Showreel magazine is now approaching its second birthday and since it was launched in the summer of 2003 has acquired a large readership in the UK (18,000). Showreel is a high quality, quarterly, independent title that covers all aspects film and TV production.
We are now expanding our readership internationally and would like to receive copies of your work for possible review in the Directors? Notes section of the magazine. Although we cannot guarantee inclusion due to space and quality issues, all films are viewed and the best are chosen. The magazine is sent out to production companies, commissioning editors, agents and festival organisers.
Simply send a copy of your production (this can include shorts, documentaries, music promos, etc) on Video or DVD to:
Marvin Belle
Showreel Magazine
49 Westbourne Gardens
Hove, East Sussex
BN3 5PN, UK.
Please enclose a stamped addressed envelope if you would like your DVD or Video returned.
If you would like more information please go to or email me at denise? . To read sample features go to the subscriptions area.
Are you capable of viewing Region 1 DVDs?