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Post production on 2 year production

4 Posts
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Posts: 3
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Topic starter we are close to finishing a 2 year inde flick filmed on a minimal budget in Texas, New Mexico, England & Africa. Check it out if ya have interest. Should be finished in 3 months..


Posted : 24/01/2004 5:07 am
Posts: 11
Active Member

I have a project and will be in Dallas on 2/19-2/23 2004. I am going to visit your website. Wish we had PM here.

Knowledge is locked. Experience is the key.

Knowledge is locked. Experience is the key.

Posted : 26/01/2004 3:41 pm
Posts: 3
Active Member
Topic starter

Have you got a website I can check out? I dig all things inde. Whatcha coming to "D" town for? The flick or other business? WHere are ya from? Enough questions? ?8D?

I like to network and find out what talents are available around the country and world... Sometimes it works out that work bartering on projects is possible to increase production value on low budget flicks. Made contacts in England and wrote a script taking advantage of the new friends there and shot with two filmcrews and cast members taking place in different times (England in early 80's and USA present) and mad an international 40min short on about 6k so far. Actually filmed the Africa stuff here at a wildlife park an hour outside of dallas but we have free roaming giraffes and no one can tell we shot that scene here when they see the animals and the south of Ft Worth terrain.

Anyway, nice to meet ya!

Posted : 26/01/2004 3:56 pm
Posts: 50
Trusted Member

Well done on the production and post-production. It's a war of attrition.

Just to let you know, the poster for the movie sucks. Goodlooking actress stares wistfully at nothing in particular against spectacular backdrop. About as original as inventing a round thing and noticing how easily it travels over even ground. Jeez.


serious about nothin' 'cept film

What's my name?
Bernardo! Bernardo.
You're damn right...

Posted : 24/02/2004 8:41 pm