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Phenomenal Feedback on KRONOBOTZ 01!

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?IMG? ?/IMG?

I thought I'd share some of the fantastic feedback on ?URL=""?KRONOBOTZ 01?/URL?, since it's been phenomenal to experience what people are saying about this movie. It just gets better and better, so read all of it if you're so enticed:

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"I think Marius van der Walt makes a good lead actor. His accent kind of reminds me a little of Arnold Schwarzenegger, which I find charming. The most intriguing part was the first 5 minutes, and the end left me wondering what happens next.

I really liked the synth music, which had a really nice beat to it. It reminded me of a Luc Besson movie, like LA FEMME NIKITA. The African landscape is pretty awesome to look at, too."

- Mike Conway,

"KRONOBOTZ 01 has a wonderful feel to it. I love the dialog. The images and sounds register in my brain very nicely and sort of lull me into a state of relaxation. I could feel the warmth and beauty of the surroundings. It made me want to be there."

- James Rogers, on the preview

"WOW... very creative, imaginative. Well shot and visually interesting. You have something great here!"

- Eugene H

Here is one of my favorite voluntary reviews I've received. Very honest 🙂 :

"I loved the entire thing. Everything about it. I especially liked the mechanical baboons in the distance... or were they real (wink wink).

What I found very interesting is the way you handled the lack of explanation. I mean, you didn't explain some of the more peculiar things that were happening to Kevin yet I didn't feel that any explanation was needed. I accepted it. He was like "oh, I'm here now. I'd better find out where here is and what my purpose is." .. The temptation to have him freak out and be afraid must have been strong and it would have been the obvious choice but you chose not to be obvious. Bravo! The bit with the broken car that didn't have a motor or wheels was great. Your supporting cast was good too.

The visual style was very well done. Great continuity between scenes. A few of the early shots seems a bit heavy handed with the color correction and added atmosphere but not enough to become distracting. The CGI robot had a lot of character and performed well. It's surface material was nicely done too. The compositing of the robot onto the background plates might have been better and you might have added some shadows on the ground as it flew by to help incorporate it into the shots but, again, the lack of seamless compositing was not too distracting and didn't pull me too far out of the story. It was good enough.

While watching Kronobotz 01 I suddenly remembered a quote about a film that was made in the late 70s (I think). The film is Liquid Sky and the quote said something to the affect "This film must have been made specifically for people on drugs". In my opinion, something like that could be said about Kronobotz 01. The surreal nature of the dialog, visuals, interaction between characters and Kevin's reaction to what was happening completely reminded me of how people act and how situations feel when you smoke pot. I don't do that sort of thing anymore but, if I did, I'd love to blaze up then watch Kronobotz 01 again! It would probably be similar to watching the Wizard of OZ on mushrooms.

Kronobotz 01 is an oasis in the baron wasteland of terrible indie films. It goes against convention and courageously goes where most film makers never consider. It dares to be unique and original without the slightest bit of self indulgence. What can I say. I'm a big fan! If I had the money, I'd send you enough to finish the entire series but since I'm broke, the best I can do is offer any kind of assistance you might need.

I look forward to Kronobotz 02....."

- James Rogers,

Heh heh, absolutely delightful.

To get this DVD for yourself (or see the movie via online streaming), please visit ?URL=""? ?/URL?immediately! Send me your review wherever you can find me; add it to this thread or contact me in a private message with it.

I look forward to your enjoyment of the film and I can't wait to hear from you!

Creator of ?URL=""?KRONOBOTZ 01?/URL? - Better than Drugs! - see it now! - see it now!

Posted : 09/05/2009 10:16 am