?url? http://KitSplit.com?/url? has launched a new free coaching program for women in film and video. They've brought together a great group of women to offer free mentorship sessions. More details and the link to sign up for a session here: ?url? http://kitsplit.com?utm_source=forums&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=awareness?/url?
Sean Mannion
Founder, 4MileCircus (?url? http://4milecircus.com?/url?)
Instructor, BRIC (?url? http://bricartsmedia.org?/url?)
Social Media and Content, KitSplit (?url? http://kitsplit.com?/url?)
Sean Mannion
Founder, 4MileCircus (?url?http://4milecircus.com?/url?)
Instructor, BRIC (?url?http://bricartsmedia.org?/url?)
Social Media and Content, KitSplit (?url?http://kitsplit.com?/url?)