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IR Magazine announces October special issue!

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Independent Rising Magazine
A Magazine by Indie filmmakers, for Indie filmmakers...

It's FREE to subscribe!

Finally! A magazine completely devoted to independent filmmakers everywhere! Whether you're brand new to it and need a little good advice, or you're experienced and making the top dollar in Hollywood! This e-zine is written by indy filmmakers, and boasts up close and personal information from others in the business.

IRM has grown so much in its first 10 months -- we now have over 10,000 subscribers worldwide!!! Our subscriber base includes people from all walks of the film life, both in Hollywood and Indie world (we also have film distributors and investors who peruse our magazine!).

Looking for tips on making a film...? Guidance on how to get more exposure in acting....? How to make special effects that will rock your audiences? We have it all, and we're expanding faster than any other indy magazine around! So come on by and check us out!

* Festival Highlights
* Writer's Block
* Director's Chair
* Special FX on Film
* Producer's Journal
* Actor's Alley
* Music Video's
* Documentaries

.....and so much more!

October 2006 Issue

For the month of October, we've concentrated all of our attention on horror / thriller films in honor of Halloween.... So come on by and check this one out -- it's to die for!!!!!

Posted : 31/10/2006 9:12 pm