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Filmmaker Success Boot Camp Sign-up

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Success Boot Camp for writers, directors, producers, etc. Register Now for January Class!

Imagine sitting in a packed theater watching your work playing on the big screen! Imagine playing this game full out like the top writers, directors, actors, producers, etc.! Most people know what to do, yet few will do it! Those who do it separate themselves from the masses?joining an elite group. What about you? Become one of the few who do instead of the many who don?t.

Welcome to Success Boot Camp for dreamers. Steven Spielberg says he dreams for a living?he makes a pretty good living for a dreamer. I know you are a dreamer. It?s time to live your dreams by putting them into action! That?s what this boot camp is all about?taking action and giving you the greatest chance for success.

This 3-week online boot camp is not only about the film industry, it is about reaching your potential in every aspect of your life: personally, professionally, financially, mentally, physically, etc. With an online course you don?t have to make hotel, flight or rental car reservations. You don?t have to sleep in a strange hotel bed listening to slamming doors, ice machines and the nocturnal tap dancer in the room above you. You don?t have to sit in a group setting and feel awkward about asking questions. You get to stay home, save your money and ask any and every question you want.

Provide yourself with the success tools used by the most successful people in the world. Success is simple when you have the tools and almost impossible when you don?t. One decision can change your life forever! Make the decision to join us for this one-of-a-kind training with your dreams in mind. You can invent your future or have someone else invent it for you. It?s up to you.

The boot camp begins January 7th and is only $100 if you sign up before January 1st, after which time the price goes up to $150. For Registration Instructions and to see the syllabus for this one-of-a-kind program filled with powerful life-transforming tools, go to Thank you for your time and best wishes for your success.

Curtis Kessinger

Posted : 29/11/2007 4:31 am