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EXILE indie sci-fi feature

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Here's my review on (which I also copied over to IMDb)

It made the front page of the website too! 🙂 So it could be there for a few days until other reviews knock it off the featured reviews. You really should go there and contact the admin (through the contact us link) and see what they can do. I'm quite positive they'd put you on the news blog.
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My site to promote my writing/opinions/and soon movies!

Posted : 06/08/2009 10:13 am
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Thanks, gabs1515! I'm heading over there to check...........

Wow, that's a fantastic review! I think it helps we have very similar taste in movies - HARD CANDY, KALIFORNIA, etc. EVIL DEAD 2 is in my top five all time. Btw, I watched INVASION (Daniel Craig, Nicole Kidman), last night and found it to be very well done. Had a different ending this time (being this it the 4th BODY SNATCHERS movie). It reminded me of the end of PUPPET MASTERS.

If you don't mind, I'll copy your review below:


Originally posted by gabs1515

Here's my review on (which I also copied over to IMDb)

Exile (2009) Movie Review

Written by: gabs1515

Exile (2009) is a fantastic independent feature from Mike Conway and his Midnight Sun Entertainment studios. The reason for this review is not only to just comment on my thoughts on the film but also (since he was so kind to give me a free copy) to help him promote the film and get it noticed. If we, as true blooded fans of horror and science fiction, want to keep GOOD movies alive then we need to stand together and get the word out there.

So with that being said, here's a little bit about the movie itself. The story is solid. At first glance the 'movie summary' is a little off putting because it is outlandish. But for me that makes it all the better and besides it's sci-fi. So what happens is in the beginning we are introduced into the world (well worlds) of Exile. Three planets. One is populated with people and rich with resources, one is desolate but populated with a strong people, and the third is in the middle as a neutral planet that is really just a big piece of nothing. The no fly zone. After the introduction the action begins. A ship is flying through space and is attacked by the opposite side. Well unfortunately it crashes on the barrain planet and the pilot is blinded in the crash. (Wonderful twist) The rest of the story unfolds from there. Alien creatures that call this planet home come out of their homes to eat every soldier they come into contact with. The blind pilot stumbles upon a female android. The beautiful thing here is that she must have human contact in order for her cells to recharge. With this they build a symbiotic relationship with one another. She sees for him and he's there for her to recharge.

When you watch this (I know you will because its so awesome) you want to keep in mind that this guy's budget was only something in the $35,000 range. And he makes very good use with it. I was especially blown away with the alien creature. That thing looked really hideous and hungry. There's also a good blend of CGI and practical effects to really give it life. And speaking of CGI, this movie can give the Sci-Fi (oops sorry, SyFy) channel a run for its money. The space effects were fantastic. I was all set on this having bad effects but I was really surprised at how well done they were. There were a couple of times that I really wish there wasn't so much CGI (mostly the planet scenes) but it wasn't horrible. And it wasn't for a long time.

What makes this movie different from a lot of movies these days is that this movie has a lot of HEART. You can really tell that a lot of blood and sweat (probably some guts too) went into making this movie. He took out a loan on his house, he did a lot of the post production himself (editing and after effects), the entire musical score was done himself. I really admire that in a filmmaker. It's something that's lost with movies today. It really does show and its something that makes you look past the cheesy effects and (really not so) bad acting.

Go see it. Go see it now. Wait, go buy it. I hope plugging a website isn't out of the question in a review but.... ?url? you'll find everything you need to know.

Posted : 06/08/2009 7:00 pm
Posts: 61
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You go right ahead and copy and paste it all over the interwebs. Thanks for the compliment on my review. Whenever I do those things I always think of more things to say after I've done it. I really shoulda said something about the venom wound and when she spit that shit out. Oh man that was awesome. Seriously I was grossed out, and the special feature on that was great. I'm also glad you aren't too upset that I gave some of the story away. I tried to keep it brief but still give a summary.

As far as the body snatchers goes, I've only seen the Donald Sutherland one and that one from the 90's. They're all pretty awesome. That's so kick ass you like Evil Dead 2, I caught a midnight showing of it a few months back and the place was packed with fans. The single greatest movie experience of my life. Anything with Bruce in it is great.

I just love movies. Well mostly horror and scifi, but movies in general as well. I love digging up old forgotten 80s flicks out of the vhs pile at the pawn shops and watching them. Most of the time I enjoy them immensely. I love the 80s horror. I think its just outlandish story lines and all the practical effects that do it for me. Nothing wrong with CGI, and I can understand the benefits for making movies but it's just not always 'real' for me.

Some other films I really enjoy are Re-Animator (my fav film ever), Hellraiser 1 & 2 (after that they kind of fell apart...but I still liked them), Alien/Predator movies, the Phantasm movies, Fright Night 1 and 2, all of Romero's 'Dead' movies and their remakes, and some newer ones like Dog Soldiers, Ginger Snaps, Slither, or Splinter.
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My site to promote my writing/opinions/and soon movies!

Posted : 06/08/2009 10:48 pm
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As far as recent movies, I've enjoyed OUTLANDER, ALTERED, the ones that you mentioned, I watched BOG, this evening. Terrible movie. BURROWERS was well done, but uneven. Just picked up a copy of SILENT RAGE for $5. Love that movie. I really liked NEAR DARK and THE HITCHER (80's version). My fave movie is ALIEN. ALIENS the director's cut is up there, too. TERMINATOR movies, CREEPSHOW, THE THING, ROBOCOP, THE HIDDEN, DEAD ALIVE, BAD TASTE, AN AMERICAN name it.

Anyway, I'm elated that you liked that Sucking Venom scene! When she spits, I wanted a nice splat sound, so that was me spitting yogurt onto the tile floor of the shower. Perfect!!

Posted : 07/08/2009 6:12 am
Posts: 23
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Hi Scoopicman,

Recieved your DVD in the post today, Loaded it up and managed to watch about 10 minutes before a power cut. I plan on re-watching again from the beginning and starting the review tomorrow. From what i have seen im realy impressed. I will review the film for you tomorrow and keep you posted when it's on the website, once again thankyou for sending as it's going to build our library for the upcoming Indie Film section,



Michael Wheeler
Were looking to feature indie films on our website, email me at mwheeler? for details

Michael Wheeler
Online Independent Film Portal
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Posted : 08/08/2009 4:54 pm
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Mike, sorry about the power outage! I'm curious to read what you think about the rest. People seem to really be liking the relationship aspect, the most. Can't wait for you to get to that part!

Posted : 08/08/2009 9:39 pm
Posts: 23
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Hi There,

No worries, Lol. Ive reviewed the film and enjoyed it. Im interested in the others too so may purchase them via your website,

Ive places Exile as a featured film on the website and will display something similar to the below when you visit, theres three other films featured too as it's a rotation:

You can find the review here:

And i will share it across the internet for you, Thanks for letting me enjoy Exile and i wish you all the best with other films, keep me posted on anything else you have coming.



Michael Wheeler
Were looking to feature indie films on our website, email me at mwheeler? for details

Michael Wheeler
Online Independent Film Portal
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Posted : 09/08/2009 9:20 am
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Mike, that's a very cool review! I started reading it and was taken off-guard by the info that you obviously researched. If you want to check out THE AWAKENING, I would be happy to send a copy. It has a much smaller budget, but is worth a look.

Posted : 09/08/2009 9:55 am
Posts: 23
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Hi There,

Cheers for the Feedback :o) - I hope that it?ll give Exile more exposure for you, I?ll be glad to watch the Awakening and thankyou for been generous in offering it to me, would you be able to sent to the below alternative address as i have problems with post with the address i gave previously,

Many thanks and i will update you when i recieve it, do you have any more films planned?

128 Robinets Road
Robinets Road
United Kingdom
S61 4AN

Michael Wheeler
Were looking to feature indie films on our website, email me at mwheeler? for details

Michael Wheeler
Online Independent Film Portal
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Posted : 10/08/2009 6:57 am
Posts: 61
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I would like to know what you're doing with the film? Are you just selling it online and spreading the word or have you found a distributor to spread it out? I'd like to suggest it to people but they may not be willing to dish out 20 bucks for it...but renting for sure.
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My site to promote my writing/opinions/and soon movies!

Posted : 10/08/2009 10:13 am
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Originally posted by Reevue

do you have any more films planned?

I literally have a file full of ideas. The next one will be a horror feature. I'm still in the story phase.


Originally posted by gabs1515

I would like to know what you're doing with the film? Are you just selling it online and spreading the word or have you found a distributor to spread it out? I'd like to suggest it to people but they may not be willing to dish out 20 bucks for it...but renting for sure.

Comcast Video On Demand has it, but I don't know when you can order it. Probably in the next month or two. I think V.O.D. is around $4, just like a rental. Japan bought the rights to their country, a month or two before I had any DVDs to sell.

As for the U.S., I'm actually not in a hurry to unload EXILE. Distributors are such low-ballers, especially in this financial climate. For now, I'm happy to sell copies, myself. I sold TERRARIUM DVDs for 2 years, before Lionsgate picked it up to take advantage of the WAR OF THE WORLDS' video release. I might as well recoup what I can, before signing the rights off for 7 or 8 years.

Posted : 11/08/2009 3:24 am
Posts: 23
Eminent Member

Nice to see a Horror feature on the Horizon :o)

I need to ask a question, What's the chance of showing the first say, 5 minutes of Exile on my Website. After that it'll advise them where they can buy the full feature, I like how Exile Opens up with the description of the Planets etc, I think this will lead to people buying the film via my website as they'll want to know more,


Michael Wheeler
Feature your Indie Film / Short on Reevue - We'll review and showcase your film on our website and stream it, please email submissions? for details.

Michael Wheeler
Online Independent Film Portal
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Posted : 11/08/2009 3:50 am
Posts: 61
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That's really awesome you have a horror movie on the horizon 🙂 I love horror. I don't have a file of ideas but I have a journal that I keep and whenever a good idea pops in my head I write it in there for possible projects in the future. That's cool that its on demand, I'll have to check that out later.

You make a good point about distributors. That's pretty lame they do that but I guess if you can live with it not being released for a while then I would do that.
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My site to promote my writing/opinions/and soon movies!

Posted : 11/08/2009 10:27 am
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Gabs, my file is like your journal! Usually, I would be at work and an idea would hit me, so I would write it down and file it.


Originally posted by Reevue

What's the chance of showing the first say, 5 minutes of Exile on my Website. After that it'll advise them where they can buy the full feature, I like how Exile Opens up with the description of the Planets etc, I think this will lead to people buying the film via my website as they'll want to know more

You are welcome to do that. You can do it yourself, or use some of my youtube links:





Posted : 11/08/2009 7:14 pm
Posts: 23
Eminent Member

Fantastic, I'm going to do a feature on exile and place it across the site and the new indie section, should be up by this weekend. I can use exile to show others just what Reevue can do for an indie film and will help with offering services to future film makers, Thanks again :o)

Michael Wheeler
Feature your Indie Film / Short on Reevue - We'll review and showcase your film on our website and stream it, please email submissions? for details.

Michael Wheeler
Online Independent Film Portal
Looking to promote your film, Reevue can help -

Posted : 12/08/2009 3:32 am
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