Dear reader,
We can find joy in many things. As you may well know. And today I'm asking you don't miss an opportunity to find joy. Don't miss ?url=""?Ol'Mom?/url?
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?url=""?Ol'Mom?/url? is a traumatic dramedy that will have you experience all the emotions that cause tearing up of the eyes.
In ?url=""?Ol'Mom?/url? we take a look at how a mother's sorrow is her joy. It's what she lives for, what makes her happy is what makes her sad. Like a child growing up and leaving forever. And then we laugh about it as much as we can without giving offence.
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Ol'Mom's son Coolasfire is the stereotype "Teen" who goes through "teenagehood". Ol'Mom knows no other way of handling this but with love and self-sacrifice.
Visit ?url=""? right now to enjoy a nice long preview.
Then please accept this movie into your heart. I made it for no other reason as that you may get it and enjoy it.
Thank you for reading.
?url=""??img? ?/img? ?/url? - see it now! - see it now!