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Call for Work: Second Design and Cinema Conference

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Second Design and Cinema Conference
"form follows film"
I.T.U. faculty of Architecture, Istanbul, TURKEY
April 06th-09th, 2005
for more information please visit: ?url?

Call for work

When design, as it is agreed to be at the intersection point of different professions, collaborates with cinema, which comes into existence with the contribution of other professions, the output increases, relations to the realities change and new designs are created.

Second Design and Cinema Conference aims to present together all created forms which are (based on design-cinema relation) (constructed on the basis of?) edited on the basis of design and cinema relation. Works from film, video, design, graphic and other related professions are expected to be contributed to the ?Works? section.

In Work section products of cinema industry, design products for cinema industry, and products generated mutually by the two industries will be presented and exhibited. Furthermore works from broadcasting, which basically uses the same tools with cinema industry to expose different type of products and their intersections with design, will be encouraged to be contributed to the Second Design and Cinema Conference.

In the works that are submitted the sharing of the two industries shall be looked after. With the contribution of works from theoretical and practical field, the event is expected to turn into a design and cinema fair.


While accepting the works, their thematical collinearity with the conferences themes, form and concept of form, shall be considered. (Works? themes, collinear with the conference, shall consider form and the form concept.) It is intending to emphasize wideness and variety of that sharing. Themes should be percieved as explicative, but not restrictive.


Form in design and cinema
Form in design
Form in cinema

Accepted formats

Works from design end cinema related professions will be accepted. Accepted formats are:


Screened works

Film, Video, etc. in VHS (PAL, NTSC), MiniDV, Digital8, Hi8, VideoCD, CD (mpeg, avi, mov), DVD


Two-dimensional works

Poster, sheet, etc., which should be at the most A0-sized.


Three dimensional works

Models, mock-ups, etc., which should be at the most 100cmx100cmx100cm sized.


All presentations will be evaluated by the organization committee with regards to the scientific committee?s suggestions.


Participants should send their works with their resumes until February 15th, 2005 to the address below.

While application, screened works should be sent to the organization committee via email or mail in CD format, two dimensional works in digital image* or printed format, three dimensional works in 5 digital images including all their orthographical views. All shipping expenses should be covered by the participant.

Participants may apply with more than one work.

Accepted works will be announced on February 25th, 2005.

*(at least 1024pixelx768pixel sized.)

Postal Address

Ayhan EN??C?
Istanbul Technical University
Dept. of Industrial Product Design
Taskisla Taksim 34437 ISTANBUL TÃœRK?YE
e-mail: descine?
tel: +90 212 2931300/2268

Posted : 22/12/2004 3:21 pm