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BlueCat Screenwriting Workshop - London Sept 20th

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The BlueCat Screenwriting Workshop: THE FIRST TEN PAGES



Birkbeck, University of London
Malet Street, Bloomsbury
London WC1E 7HX
The Ten Page Workshop (limit 10 writers)
9:00 - 18:00 Room 629 Malet Street
Cost: ?145

Gordy Hoffman, the award-winning writer/director (LOVE LIZA, A COAT OF SNOW) and founder of the BlueCat Screenplay Competition, returns to London for one workshop September 20th at the University of London.

The creative principles of the workshop were borne out of over a decade of experience of judging the only major script competition in the world helmed by a produced screenwriter, a writer who continues to write today.

The BlueCat workshops help the writer develop the authentic, original voice behind every story that impacts the emotions of the audience, the essence of all commercially and artistically successful films.

If you care passionately about your script and story, this workshop will provide the tools to transform your commitment and concern into a compelling film.

To read reviews of Gordy?s first London workshops go to:


The First Ten Pages Workshop

These workshops will consist of 10 writers each submitting ten pages of a work in progress in advance. We will go over each work individually, discussing the specific, unique challenges each writer is facing on the page. This discussion will include the technical aspects of description and dialogue, the depth and reality of the characters, and how the ten pages reflect where the entire story goes.

The intimate, focused interaction with fellow writers in the workshop will provide all with a greater understanding of the work that lies ahead on their screenplay, and more importantly, a detailed sense of how they might develop as writers themselves.

9:00 - 18:00 on September 20 in room 629 Malet Street

Cost: ?145


Bio of Gordy Hoffman

Winner of the Waldo Salt Screenwriting Award at the 2002 Sundance Film Festival for LOVE LIZA, Gordy Hoffman made his feature directorial debut with his script, A COAT OF SNOW, which world premiered at the 2005 Locarno Intl Film Festival. A COAT OF SNOW made its North American Premiere at the Arclight in Hollywood, going on to screen at the Milan Film Festival and the historic George Eastman House. A COAT OF SNOW won the 2006 Domani Vision Award at VisionFest, held at the Tribeca Cinemas in New York City. Gordy is the founder and judge of the BlueCat Screenplay Competition and teaches screenwriting at the USC School of Cinematic Arts. He is currently writing a movie about Los Angeles.

Here are more comments from BlueCat Workshop attendees:

BlueCat workshops are all about honing your skills to write the story the exists in your imagination, and how to make that story engage the audience in real time. That begins with the first person to read your script and the first ten pages. Lead her into the world you've created, engage her, page by page and your story is one person closer to getting made.

Gordy helped me do this by pointing out the things I had missed and had gotten right, things an audience would need to know and feel before they could delve into the world. His enthusiastic, experienced and forthright assessment is just the kind of feedback I needed to hear. He captured everyone's attention by showing his commitment to making our work better.

The level of writing and feedback from other attendees is something that's so very important in a workshop experience. And at BlueCat, everyone was serious about the craft of writing and that's also what makes this workshop extremely productive.

At the day's end, my head was full of new ideas which brought about a renewed enthusiasm for the story. As if road blocks had been knocked aside, creating new pathways for my character's journey.

If only there were weekly or even biweekly BlueCat seminars here in NYC - that would be fantastic!

If BlueCat comes to your town, please, don't miss it.

-Julie Gribble, NYC

Personally, I find a great joy in knowing that there are other people squirreled away in their rooms, daydreaming of a film fantasy world, as much as I am. Having a place where writers can get together and see which parts of their ideas work without fear, makes the BlueCat Workshop an incredible resource.

Although, sometimes painful, Gordy will cut through your bullshit and make an honest screenwriter out of you. His approach is direct, funny, and open. He gives your story his full attention and works with you to improve your vision. It's obvious he loves the world of story, and wants the best for yours.

-Daniel Finley (Writer/Director)

I attended the BlueCat Workshops in Asbury Park, New Jersey. Drove up from Virginia (10 hours) not knowing what to expect. Immediately bonded with Gordy and the other scribes. Left there a better screenwriter. Rehashed my experience the whole ride home, and for days to come. Realizing how much Gordy had to offer, and how generous he was with regard to sharing his knowledge, myself considering going to the Washington, D.C. Workshop a few weeks later. His easy-going style, undying wit and genuine admiration for his fellow writers were all definite drawing powers, but it was his insightful, challenging comments on how to make your story better while "writing for the screen" that made it a no-brainer. I attended, had another amazing experience and, again, left there a better screenwriter. What more could you ask for in such a short time and for such a reasonable fee? It's what it's all about...honing your craft. So pack up your laptops, stories and dreams and track down a BlueCat near you. You'll be thrilled and more than glad you did. Godspeed!

-R.K. Townsend (Writer-Director "Gas Station Jesus")

Gordy is an excellent teacher! He views film both as a business and an art form. The workshop is definitely a must for anyone serious about screenwriting.

-Ron Praymak

A great start more often then not leads to a winning finish. Mr Hoffman's non- intimidating style and personal approach, cultivates an informal atmospshere where creativity meets craftsmanship. For me, that's proved to be invaluable and worth every penny the both times I attended his workshops.

-Priya Packiam

Gordy Hoffman's classes are wonderful because they take you beyond the typical cliches of screenwriting classes. He looks at each screenplay as unique -- and makes you look at its possibilities in new ways. I highly recommend Gordy -- and his classes!

-Annie Stone

I looked forward to attending the BlueCat Workshop in Chicago, but after 24 hours of being deathly ill with a strain of flu that ignored the anti-bodies of my flu shot, it was nothing short of a miracle and the opportunity to meet Gordy and participate in the BlueCat Workshop that motivated my lifeless body that Sunday morning. It was an experience I will repeat at the first opportunity... the workshop that is. I was resurrected that morning and while I didn't make it through the whole workshop and fell back into bed for two days of flu backlash, I know my first ten pages were healed that day!"

If this is too much... please feel free to use any part of my thank note below... and I would love to have my name included.

-Ms. Kevin Kalmes

The BlueCat workshops are so much fun. The classes are small- therefore giving every script equal amounts of attention. Gordy Hoffman is such an inspirational teacher that he makes you want to write. I went to the workshop knowing I could possibly be a screenwriter. I left the workshop feeling like an accomplished screenwriter, and determined to rewrite my masterpiece. I'd take Gordy's class on a weekly basis if I could. It's a "MUST" for every screenwriter currently working on a script. And Gordy is a BRILLIANT TEACHER.

-Elena Moscatt

I had recently attended the Toronto 10 Page workshop. I had found it incredibly rewarding to discuss with a room full of writers the art of screenplay writing. It was a great opportunity to examine your work through collective feedback from your peers. Personally for me, the workshop helped me recognize certain elements in my screenplay that were lacking in order to make the pages come to life more. And with that, it was plenty enough inspiration to go home and continue doing the thing I love - that is write!

-Jim Doucette

They say writing is a solitary process, but having other writers appreciate your words (or not) really does take it to the next level. I thought I might learn a thing or two and have some fun. My first workshop was fun, but it was packed -- I was still processing new things I'd learned for days after the event. At the Bluecat workshops I've made new friends who have continued the feedback process months after the event.

-James Lee Higgins

This past year I've attended several of Gordy's workshops including the 10 page and the feature length workshops. I can honestly say I've learned more from Gordy than from all of my screenwriting books combined. Nothing beats a hands-on learning experience. Gordy has a way of dissecting what you've written then showing you how to put it back together so it works. The workshops are a lot of fun and I've made some great friendships through them.

-Marnie Mitchell-Lister, Spring Lake, NJ

?2008 Bluecat Screenplay Competition
Hollywood, CA 90028

Posted : 03/09/2008 7:34 pm