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"Aqui/Here" Worldwide Synopsis Writing Contest

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The "Aqui/Here" Movie Synopsis Writing Contest!

Cine Clube de Avanca ( from Portugal is launching a Worldwide Synopsis Writing Contest for the movie "Aqui/Here", a movie project that will feature 10 short films filmed in 10 different cities around the world!
It's main concept is the need to establish a portrait on how people relate to each other and to their own public spaces in their cities, across different cultures and countries.

For creative input in each one of the ten stories to be featured in this movie, this contest is inviting writers from all around the world to send synopses of story ideas inspired by 10 points from a "Manifesto for the Public Space".

Check out the official "Aqui/Here" Website to know everything about this movie:
Also, take a look at the Manifesto for the Public Space's points:

Rules (Overview):

- Present a short film story synopsis, based upon one of the Manifesto's ten points.
- The synopsis must be original, unpublished and not previously submitted to other competitions.
- Synopses have a limit of 500 words across one page and must include a title, a personal pseudonym and indication of the "Manifesto" point of inspiration.
- Contestants may send more than one synopsis.

For registration and to send your synopsis go to the "Sign up & Upload" section of the "Aqui / Here" website.

The Contest's Prizes:

10 Winners, one for each of the 10 synopsis written for the movie's 10 short films will win the following:

A prize money of 100$: Prize exclusively given as a reward for the awarded synopsis.
The opportunity to work with the movie's scriptwriters: Winners will work in the movie production with the movie's scriptwriters to further shape their stories into the final full short film script format.
A co-author credit in the movie: Each short film will have the name of the original author of the story and synopsis contest winner credited in the movie.

Synopsis sending deadline is JULY 11th !

For more info, send us an email to info? or follow our Facebook Page ?

Send us your synopsis! Good Luck and Good Writing!

Posted : 15/06/2011 9:21 pm