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"Amateur Porn Star Killer" world premiere

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"Amateur Porn Star Killer" will be having it's World Premiere Sunday, July 30, 2006 at the Action on Film International Film Festival at the Long Beach Convention Center in Long Beach, CA - Screening Room #6, 10:00 p.m. Adults only, 18+.

For more info on the film and to watch the trailer, visit:

For info and directions to the festival visit

What people are saying about ?APSK?

"This little indie is so close to being a masterpiece that even though it repulses me I have to praise it." -POLLY STAFFLE

"?very realistic and utterly unforgettable?I place this in my Hell Cinema category, as it is damn disturbing to watch?See it while you still can, but be prepared."

"Amateur Porn Star Killer is definitely an unforgettable work by a talented filmmaker." -BUMS CORNER

"...sick stuff indeed, and certainly not for the faint of heart?"

"?when the film was finished, I was genuinely stunned?Ryan's film is a frightening, and engrossing piece of filmmaking, and I loved it." -CINEMA CRAZED

"Writer/director Shane Ryan is not interested in titillating his viewer. He wants to creep you out, and for most of the movie, he succeeds." -HARO ONLINE

"?unsettling, and downright mesmerizing?indescribably fascinating?amazingly believable?a reality check for the audience??
-PRETTY SCARY, for women in horror by women in horror

"It has a strong voyeuristic feel to it?I even became a little concerned that I had actually requested a real snuff film. Ryan is an extremely talented director..."

"?a seriously dark, ultra-gritty flick?that really captures the ordeal?There are only three actors, but they all play their roles very well."

"?a vile piece of cinema that will make your skin crawl?a film that will haunt you for quite some time?it truly makes you believe that maybe, just maybe, this is not merely a movie?" -MvMMDI

"Amateur Porn Star Killer may be the film that puts director/writer/actor Shane Ryan on the map?Picture Ted Bundy with a camera?? -EXCESS HOLLYWOOD

Alter Ego Cinema

Alter Ego Cinema

Alter Ego Cinema

Posted : 28/07/2006 11:57 pm