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African American Short Films accepting submissions

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African American Short Films Nationally Syndicated Television Program
Accepting Submissions

African American Short Films, the only nationally televised showcase of short films starring, produced, written and/OR directed by African-American filmmakers, is accepting submissions for it's 2010 - 12 seasons. "African American Short Films" airs quarterly on network affiliates in over 100 cities nationwide. This is a wonderful opportunity for one to showcase their work on a national level.
Submissions are accepted on an on-going basis. Accepted films receive compensation.
Short films should be between 1-30 minutes in length. Viewing copies must be submitted on VHS, Mini DV or DVD in NTSC format or via an online link.
Short films may originate on any format or medium (i.e.; Mini DV,#8232;Digibeta, Beta SP, 8mm, 16mm, 35mm, etc.,...) Please note the running time and format shot on.

Send submissions to:#8232;
Badami Productions#8232;
419 North Larchmont Blvd
P.O. Box #322#8232;
Los Angeles, CA 90004#8232;
ATTN: "African American Short Films"

Please include your contact information and tell us where you heard about African American Short Films. Viewing copies will not be returned.
For questions or additional information email: lisha? or go to

Spread the word! Tell a friend or two or three about African American Short Films!

We want your shorts!

Posted : 20/11/2009 5:52 pm