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2 screenplays for feature film

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email: kimo1?

1."World of Absolute evil"
Genre: Urban Psychological Fiction (Mystery/Suspense/horror)
Wga west 2010:1402695
Contains: 15 scenes in 120 pages
Time: present
Place: Westchester County- New York
"World of Absolute evil" is also available as TV series according to demand.
Log line:

Diving into the darkness
For the first time in his life a police Lt. from New York police faces "World of Absolute Evil"


Lieutenant Michael Holmes, a detective specializing in unsolved crimes, is investigating the case of missing child... seven year-old Isaac Menis!after a while the police found his corpse?he was murdered!!!
The investigation is complex and increasing pressure is put on the detectives to find suspects. The first candidate is identified: Joshua Solomon-the mysterious leader of a religious cult whose relationship with children raises cause for concern. However, Lt. Holmes? deputy, Wally, is not convinced that Solomon is guilty, at least not of the Isaac case.
As the investigation unravels we learn of the utter disfunctionality of Isaac?s family - his divorced mother and father and their respective new partners. Another character in this hate-fuelled bunch who could have reason to want Isaac?s disappearance to remain permanent is the partner of Isaac?s mother, Gideon, a gynecologist, who sees the child as an interfering obstacle to his efforts to control and manipulates Isaac's mother.
Although we are told that this is a ?World of Absolute Evil?, paradoxically there are some clues that allow us to understand (but not necessarily like) even the most distasteful characters in this plot: Abraham was severely abused by his mother as a child, and Joshua, despite his abnormal behavior, seems to be a genuinely caring although person. Nevertheless, an ominous air pervades this screenplay, re-enforced by sinister misinterpretations of the Old Testament and Nietzsche. No one is beyond suspicion.
Eventually a trial is held and Solomon finds himself in the dock. The trial is complex, but despite his best efforts, Solomon?s attorney?s defense is demolished at each turning. It is only at the end of the trial that the terrifying truth is exposed.
The plot is told in a series of fast moving scenes that heighten the tension and carry the viewers along to reach a cliff-hanging conclusion. World of Absolute Evil is a screenplay that is gripping in its vivid portrayal of a society peopled by repulsive, self-seeking and, ultimately, psychotic characters. It is a screenplay to be recommended to all viewers of suspense thrillers.

2. "Holy Matrimony"
Genre: psychological urban Fiction (Mystery/Suspense/horror)
Pau 2-647-306 by us, copyright office
"Holy Matrimony" Contains: 30 scenes (72 pages)
very low budget, few characters and few locations!!!
Log line
"Can we play chess with our destiny?"
Privet investigator chases after nefarious murder while his wife unfaithful to
Him...she is being blackmail and fights for her life.
it's a story about:
Obsession and ego which leads to insanity!!!
"Holy Matrimony" is also available as home video movie (fits as a pilot).
The Video movie (length- 83 minute) allows the screenplay buyer to analyze the artistic,commercial and production potential of this screenplay.

Posted : 06/01/2012 11:43 pm