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Why are documentary filmmakers so snippy

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I guess I should elaborate. Not all are, but it seems any docu filmmaker who focuses on politics for their pieces are outright rude. I put an ad up in an LA trade seeking films for our new distribution company, and I got several promising pieces to examine. Today though, one guy sent me a piece telling me it was the greatest thing sinced sliced bread. It was some film denouncing Obama. I was polite and told him I thought now might be be the right time and because of present popularity levels, etc. I guess I should have known better, but I didn't, because he came back at me calling me a Nazi and a Communist for believing Obama was popular, and so forth. All I was trying to do was tell the guy the odds. He practically chewed my head off. It is a wonder people think they can get their stuff distributed when they talk to distributors like that. Anyway, am I alone here?

making low budget dreams come true

making low budget dreams come true

Posted : 28/06/2011 2:30 pm
Posts: 2951
Famed Member

Do you think this is limited to documentary filmmakers? Or are you
thinking this is specific to political documentary filmmakers?

I'm not a distributor - but I am a producer. I turn down scripts and
am called every name in the book and few I do not believe are in a book.
I have found that creative people who are passionate about their work
can be very surprised when others don't feel the same passion. And I
have found that some people are just jerks.

I have worked with several documentary filmmakers who focus on politics
who are terrific - polite, articulate and respectful. I'm sorry you had a
bad experience with this guy. I hope it doesn't lead you to believe that
most documentary filmmakers who focuses on politics for their pieces are
all like that.

The aim of an argument or discussion should not be victory, but progress.
Joseph Joubert, essayist (1754-1824)

The aim of an argument or discussion should not be victory, but progress.
Joseph Joubert, essayist (1754-1824)

Posted : 28/06/2011 10:04 pm
Posts: 45
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Maybe I overreacted, but this guy was so harsh. He also seemed like a conspiracy theorist. It just really threw me through a loop. Been in this industry for 7 years now and I just never met anyone like that.

making low budget dreams come true

making low budget dreams come true

Posted : 29/06/2011 4:04 am
Posts: 2951
Famed Member

Consider yourself very fortunate. First time in seven years is amazing. I
meet jerks in this business all the time. But I meet many, many more people
who are pretty amazing. Obviously you do too - one jerk in seven years.

Please don't use this one time in seven years incident as an inditement of
all documentary filmmakers who focuses on politics for their pieces. Try
to think of this as one guy who is a jerk. It would be a shame if the next
time you meet with a documentary filmmakers who focuses on politics
for their pieces you immediately put up your defenses because one person
acted like a jerk.

The aim of an argument or discussion should not be victory, but progress.
Joseph Joubert, essayist (1754-1824)

Posted : 29/06/2011 11:42 am
Posts: 45
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I have met my share of jerks, albeit most were producers (no offense intended). But, that was different, it was a series of unreasonable requests, not paying on time or at all, shirking responsibility, trying to hook up with my attractive assistant, trying to steal my materials, or something like that, and occasionally doing something stupid on the set. Never in my life have I seen someone verbally accost someone, based on their perceived ideology, when all that person was trying to do was help them sell their product. This guy had nothing to lose and everything to gain. And to start labeling people as communists and Nazis, to boot. I flat out told him in my response, as a Jew, I did not appreciate the lightness at which he threw around the work "Nazi." Whatever, it just really rattled me. Hope I never meet that guy in real life.

making low budget dreams come true

making low budget dreams come true

Posted : 29/06/2011 11:50 am
Posts: 2951
Famed Member

Sorry to hear you met such a jerk. Equally sorry to hear that has made you
think any documentary filmmaker who focuses on politics for their pieces
are outright rude.

The aim of an argument or discussion should not be victory, but progress.
Joseph Joubert, essayist (1754-1824)

Posted : 29/06/2011 10:35 pm