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The Irish film industry..........

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Is a load of bollocks. Loads of selff-congradulatory ejits sitting round , talking shit bout stuff they will never do, making little pretentious shorts and bollocks rom-coms, waiting with there arse up in the air to be ****ed by American studios.Anyone who has the sack to make a film gets the piss taken out of them, and if they ever leave are begrudged. Im have convinced people hate John Moore cus hes got out of the place and is actually making films for cash. Commercial is a dirty word.... when someone makes something great like Once it doesnt great praised enough.
Big load of bollocks.

Posted : 13/08/2007 12:22 pm
Posts: 67
Trusted Member

Good man paddieT. I agree with most of it. Don't know how many Irish we have here or what they think. But I get the feeling that this filmmaking thing is clique driven all around the world.

Posted : 02/09/2007 7:38 pm
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Thanks D , i was very angry when i was writing it and thats why it may seem like a rant. I wish i could have put it better... but je regrete nien

Posted : 06/09/2007 8:51 pm
Posts: 217
Reputable Member

hey i think you guys can change that. hethweels already makin some kcik-ass films. you guys'l be like the dudes who brought back the industry!

"They say a picture is worth a thousand words. But a film? Well, thats worth a thousand pictures."
-(Own3d Studios)-

"They say a picture is worth a thousand words. But a film? Well, thats worth a thousand pictures."-(Own3d Studios)-

Posted : 11/09/2007 3:29 am
Posts: 4
Active Member

Hey Paddie,

I shot a documentary in Ireland and I got no interest until it was released in the US. Even the Irish media ignored it until it got reviewed by the US press - and the Irish 'reviews' were basically quoting from the US newspapers. I've heard my story is typical of any movie trying to get noticed in Ireland - movies have to include big names or they have to be accepted in the US/UK before they will receive any notice in Ireland. Maybe some of it has to do with a smaller overall market - outside of Dublin, there really aren't that many people, comparitively speaking. There is less room for independent and experimental films. I dunno...

My movie was aimed primarily at a US audience, so the situation didn't break me, but it must suck for an up-and-coming Irish director. But look on the bright side - if you can scratch together enough money to do a few good shorts, you can get your stuff on the web and have it seen by a much wider audience anyway.

'Playing for Peanuts'

'Playing for Peanuts'

Posted : 01/10/2007 11:35 pm
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I know its a *in disgrace.Theres no suppourt for young Irish filmmakers. Take junkie-slyer. This director made a film on his own for a minuscle budget and the begrudging bastards tore in to it , yeah like they have made any films.
My attitude
* the industry do what YOU want

Posted : 04/10/2007 10:15 pm
Posts: 13
Eminent Member

this is film industry is loada shitprobably cos the only films we make are bout the f**kin famine fer crissake why cant an irish movie have irish actors irish crew iish settin and not lack hollywood style plots ect.. the reason hollywood is big is cos it f**kin sells the famine obviously doesnt sell!! why havent we learend this yet?? ??? we dont need anymore goddam films bout no potatoes !!!!!!!! ?:(!? ?:(!? ?:(!? it really pisses me off and im not even origanly irish !!! and there should be more support fer up an coming filmmakers

??? -?:o)?world of moe?:o)?- ???

Posted : 03/09/2008 1:57 pm
Posts: 2951
Famed Member

Is there any chance that an Irish producer and director could hire an Irish writer
and put together an Irish crew to make a movie without any support?

Kind of like what the independent filmmakers do here in the States?

The aim of an argument or discussion should not be victory, but progress.
Joseph Joubert, essayist (1754-1824)

The aim of an argument or discussion should not be victory, but progress.
Joseph Joubert, essayist (1754-1824)

Posted : 03/09/2008 8:29 pm
Posts: 13
Eminent Member

no were irish we just like to moan about things.. lol ?:D? ?:D? ?:D? ?:D? ?:D? ?:D? ?:D? nah i think that there shud be alot more intrrest in indie film making as you say and am writing an actiopn movie for just such a cause at this point in time.. just out of intrest i think i will start a thead to see how many irish we have anyway..

??? -?:o)?world of moe?:o)?- ???

Posted : 04/09/2008 1:08 pm
Posts: 2951
Famed Member

Do you have any feelings on why there aren't many Irish filmmakers paying for thier own movies?

Is there no market for them? Wouldn't people go see locally produced independent movies?

The aim of an argument or discussion should not be victory, but progress.
Joseph Joubert, essayist (1754-1824)

Posted : 04/09/2008 1:58 pm
Posts: 13
Eminent Member

any intrest of artistic pursuit , especially acting, filmaking ect is very sparse in ireland, and on a low budget traveling is very expensive!!

??? -?:o)?world of moe?:o)?- ???

??? -?:o)?world of moe?:o)?- ???

Posted : 19/09/2008 1:36 pm