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Hello everyone, I am new on the site and am just writing to sort of introduce myself to this community. I have a longtime interest in filmmaking, but have not really taken any actions towards it until now. I am here to learn as much about the business and the industry as I can. I am open to comments and any advice that people might have for me. Thanks.


Posted : 03/02/2010 1:54 am
Posts: 2951
Famed Member


The aim of an argument or discussion should not be victory, but progress.
Joseph Joubert, essayist (1754-1824)

Posted : 03/02/2010 2:15 am
Posts: 481
Honorable Member

I'm also a noob, though I have experience in other fields, so welcome from a fellow newbie. 🙂

Posted : 03/02/2010 2:27 am
Posts: 12
Active Member

Hi MissChance,
I am also new here.

You may want to take some classes and see what your interested in (Camera, directing, writing, producing), especially if your not interested in going to school for 4 years. There are schools that have 15wk, 6month, etc. certificate courses...).

Force Yourself

Force Yourself

Posted : 27/02/2010 8:43 pm
Posts: 11
Active Member

I have been messing around in the Indie Film industry for a few years now but would still consider myself a newbie. Good luck and hope you find film making fun and exciting.

Bamboo Nut Productions

Bamboo Nut Productions

Posted : 27/02/2010 9:54 pm
Posts: 587
Honorable Member

Hi Miss Chance!

I wouldn't advise investing time or money into a formal school quite yet. There is a lot you can learn on your own for far less money and time before you take that step, if you ever feel the need to.

You say that you have in interest in "filmmaking" but it is VITAL that you narrow that interest down to the specific job you wish to do in the industry. Most people who say "filmmaking" are referring to directing, but sometimes that isn't what they really want to do, particularly when they find out about the realities of that job... what it takes to get it, the chances of "getting it," and what that job is really like if they ever get it.

So, the first step is to investigate what it takes to really make a movie, what SPECIFIC jobs it takes to accomplish that, and what it means to build a viable career doing that chosen job.

I would like to point you to the follow list of resources that I think will help you (and all aspiring "filmmakers") who are just starting out. The key to success is knowing what it is you're getting yourself into. The more you know about how it all really works, the better and wiser choices you'll be able to make for your own career.

I've listed just some of the better (and often entertaining) guides to help you hone your interests here:


For a lot more resources, please visit and the FORUMS where you'll find countless links and suggestions for books, DVDs, schools, and other websites that are designed to help you.

Good luck!

Brian Dzyak
IATSE Local 600, SOC

Brian Dzyak
IATSE Local 600, SOC

Posted : 27/02/2010 11:04 pm