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"Dark Limbo" a movie and a dream

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Hello everyone.
My name is Dave lepage and I hope to be able to become a part of what goes on around here!? I see a wealth of knowledge and talent in here. I want to take some of that with me if you will allow it!?
I would like to share with you my film project. The film is "Dark Limbo" and it is on Kickstarter right now.Please let me tell you now that I am not in here soliciting funds. On the contrary, my film will be made Kickstarter funds or not. I just ask that you take 7 minutes of your day to watch my 7 minute presentation and post a comment.You can pledge if you so desire but like I said , that is not why I am here. I come to you humbled and to say I do not know everything and hope to be "raised" by you good people.If that is if you will all have me of course!?
Here is the link to the Kickstarter page. The link to the presentation is under the large photo. There are a few updates you can read that explains things a little more but come back and read the rest?
I stand behind the music which will be featured in this film but it is just slapped in there (time constraint) and for that I apologize

The more support I get, the more I will be encouraged to add more updates and photos as the journey continues. As it stands I am living the dream as we speak.The script is done, Story boards done, cast,crew,grips,locations,caterers, composers (2),all in place.We shoot tomorrow and Monday. We are making good pace now. My eye is on the prize and I feel in my heart that the story of Stanley Sklar and his ultimate fight for survival will both entertain and hopefully touch the viewers. I know I will not win any Grammies or receive a call from ole Harvey W. and I cannot afford an expensive HD camera but what I am trying to do is give you some old school story telling with a focus on visuals and music with some updated experimental shots. We are talking gorilla film making! I like to call it "movie making for the dinner thieves"! I have very limited resources (VERY) but I am determined to show the viewer and inspiring film makers that HD, Red cameras, high tech,although they are great and I would love to shoot with one some day, is not the end all be all of film making. My entire film "Dark Limbo" will come in under $2,500 out of pocket (my pocket) and that includes The use of the local Fire Dept., Ambitrans Ambulatory service, a brand new looking car to trash, a cherry picker for areal shots,liability insurance(must have) costumes, food, equipment (lights,extra lenses,dolly, etc)locations,talent, Etc. You get the point. I want to show and offer my help to those that may not know how to obtain these sorts of resources for little to no money to make their dream come true of making a film. I do not want anything of course.If I can help in some small way is enough for me. A comment on my Kickstarter page would be nice though!? I hope to get a web site up soon for Dark Limbo where I can post updates on the project.

Thank you all for taking the time to read this and I hope to maybe make some new friends on this forum!?

Thank you

David Lepage

Posted : 15/07/2011 5:49 pm
Posts: 12
Eminent Member


I watched your Youtube video, and I think it is pretty good ! How did you get the fire department and ambulance to participate...
Anyway, I would leave the music out all together, and add some dialogue instead.

Posted : 27/07/2011 2:21 am