
Weereewa Film Festi...
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Weereewa Film Festival

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We are looking for film-makers to contribute short films on the Lake George region, people and themes.

The Weereewa Film Festival is to be held as a part of Weereewa: a festival of Lake George. The festival is a celebration of the region that aims to raise public awareness of the natural, historical, environmental and cultural significance of Weereewa & Lake George; possibly the 5th oldest lake on the earth.

The Weereewa Film Festival will be held over two nights on 31st March & 1st April 2006 at the Bungendore Memorial Hall, Kings Highway (Molonglo Street.) The venue was used by the early picture show men for the screening of films from the early 1920?s until the external projection box was demolished sometime in the late 1900?s.

The film festival will include:

Weereewa Film Festival ? Short Film competition.

Weereewa Film Festival: A screening of various films by and about regional people and themes, concluding with a feature film shot entirely in the Weereewa region.

The competition guidelines are as followed:

:: Each film must contain any facet of Weereewa, Bungendore and Lake George region people and themes. You are encouraged to represent this in any way you choose. (Possible use of stories from publication ?There is no mystery! An artistic response to Weereewa/Lake George? Published 1999. Available from Weereewa Film Festival encourages dramatic, documentaries, historic, indigenous, and public interest films.

:: The film must be submitted on a mini DV master tape. Two copies of your film must also be included on DVD (TV format ? PAL/Regional Code ALL REGIONS) or VHS.

:: The cost of entry is:
$25.00 or
$10.00 for students
(All cheques/money orders are made payable to Weereewa - A Festival Of Lake George Inc.)

:: Prizes for films:
$1000.00 first prize
$500.00 second prize
$300.00 third prize
$200.00 Awarded to Best Student Film

:: The maximum length for all films is no longer than 10 minutes.

:: Include 2 color photographic production stills (to be used for festival program). These can be horizontal photographs (standard domestic sized prints are fine) or printouts on high-grade photographic paper.

:: All films will be screened in 4:3 ratio. Please bear in mind if the film contains subtitles you should double the size of your subtitling and avoid yellow shades.

Please note your entry will not be accepted:

1. if any of the above items are not included (including entry fee.)
2. if your film is over the 10 minute time limit.
3. if your entry form is incomplete (including unsigned Entry forms.)
4. any time after the close of business Friday 17th March 2006.

Your entry must include the following:

1. A master copy of your film on mini DV. Two copies of your film on either DVD (Pal/All regions) or VHS.
2. A completed and signed entry form.
3. Two production stills (2 different images) ? horizontal photographs (standard domestic size prints or print-outs on high photographic paper).
4. Entry Fee $25 or $10 for students. Cheques/Money Orders to be made payable to Weereewa - A Festival Of Lake George Inc.

For more information please contact: film?

You can view the website at

Posted : 09/02/2006 8:06 am