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Rooftop Films Call for Submissions 2007

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Rooftop Films is now accepting submissions for the 2007 Summer Series!
(Please forward to filmmakers or post to relevant websites)

" It?s invigorating to deal with people running a festival that care so much about the films they show There was no sense of competition or pretentiousness that typifies a lot of festivals. Plus there was live music and a great view. Why aren?t more festivals this fun?"
--Nick Peterson, Filmmaker

Submit your movies! We are currently accepting submissions for the 2007 Summer Series. In June 2007 we will begin celebrating our 11th year of bringing the best underground films in the world outdoors and to the rooftops of New York. Submit your films and videos now and participate in one of the most unforgettable, unique, filmmaker-friendly, independent film events in the world!

?A complete list of rules and regulations are available at
?Films can be submitted via or directly to Rooftop Films
?General deadlines and fees have changed since last year:

Earlybird: $8, postmarked by January 5, 2007
Regular: $12, postmarked by February 16, 2007
Late: $15, postmarked by March 2, 2007
Without A Box Extended: $15, March 16, 2007*

?Rooftop continues to accept films year round, but if you want to guarantee that your films will be considered for the 2007 Summer Series please make sure to submit them on or before the deadlines.

The Festival
The 2007 Summer Series will run from June through September and will feature more than 250 daring new films, all screened outdoors, in front of big, loyal audiences in parks, on boats, and on rooftops overlooking the greatest city on earth. More than 10,000 people attended Rooftop screenings in 2006, making it one of the most popular festivals in New York City. The 2007 Summer Series will surely feature even bigger crowds, even more beautiful venues, and more incredible films.
We show comedies, dramas, experimental shorts, animation, videos, short and feature documentaries and political films, and home movies and found footage?films of all genres, formats, and lengths. We want films that tell us about where you live and how you live, and we seek independent movies with original ideas, regardless of production values. We also strongly encourage submissions by women and people of color.

Submitting to Rooftop
Rooftop Films is committed to helping filmmakers get their films screened, so we don't demand that filmmakers send us exorbitant submission fees. There is a recommended early submission fee of $8.00 per filmmaker or curator for any films postmarked prior to January 5th, and for that fee you can submit as many films as you like without paying additional submission fees.

Co-Curating with Rooftop
Rooftop Films also encourages curators to send entire programs of films. We want to work with other groups who want to show off their unique cinematic visions. Please click here for detailed information about submitting a curated program.

If you have any questions regarding submissions, please email Program Director Dan Nuxoll at *submit at rooftopfilms dot com*

Posted : 19/12/2006 8:34 pm