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MONO NO AWARE is not a film festival; its focus is the cinematic experience. Inspired by the unique qualities of live performance and viewing film prints, it encourages live music, theatrical performance, audio and additional visuals to accompany the film piece.

MONO NO AWARE is open to experimental filmmakers, fine artists, poets and musicians; to any and all persons working or interested in making work using the film medium. Entries on Super8 or 16mm film only; no digital video submissions will be accepted**

**submissions can be sent as a purposal with a DV example of previous work. NO DV AT THE EVENT FILM PRINTS ONLY.

Deadline for submissions is November 7, 2008

The event will be held on Sunday November 30, 2008 at 6pm
Hosted in Brooklyn NY at Supreme Trading 213 N 8TH Street Brooklyn NY

You are welcome to submit. MONO NO AWARE is open to any person or group of persons making work using Super8 or 16mm film format as part of that presentation. For example: blending film & theater performance, musicians creating a visual experience for their sound, and experimental filmmakers working with story tellers. Entries will only be accepted on Super8 or 16mm film. FILM ONLY. No Digital Video.

Part of our purpose in having this gathering is to put an emphasis on the cinematic experience. Film & video are so easily accessible, you can watch something on a website, television, a home projector, or even your cell phone. For some filmmakers those vehicles are copies of the original artwork, each one degraded by its format. We believe there is a magic in seeing the film as a print. There is a presence a poet has reading his/her own writing. There is a feeling that resonates in your chest when you see a band live. For these reasons we are encouraging live music, performance, and audio to accompany films. We ask that in the spirit of the festival you not create copies of your work. Some participants have gone as far as to destroy the work after its first run at the event.

Embrace the film medium. Cut & splice found footage you picked up at a yard sale. Take all your unused footage from an old project and create something new with the unused scenes. Spend 50 bucks to shoot & process 100 feet of 16mm & make a 3 minute masterpiece with a friend's Bolex. Paint on the film surface. Go on eBay and pick up a dozen old reels for ten bucks. Run 10 projectors at once on a single screen. Splice, dice, paste, shoot, and do it all over again. Create visual poetry, colorful abstractions, a comedic narrative, a cinematic comet that will light up the space for several minutes and live in the minds of those there to see it in its pure state. While it's there, fill the audience's ears with a score nothing short of sonorous.

Check out last years program:

Posted : 16/06/2008 1:16 pm