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Kyoto International Student Film & Video Festival

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Dear all student film makers

7th Kyoto International Student Film & Video Festival is calling for your film that may shape the future of cinema.

We?fre happy to announce that this year?fs KISFVF will take place from 9 to 11 October at the selected venues in Kyoto, Japan. Our festival is the biggest and most influential student film festival in our homeland. We aim to discover and screen gems of student films. Except it has to be a student-made film, we set no boundaries for genres, styles, nationalities or age. Nothing counts to us more than your participation. Competition winners will be invited to the festival. Join us now by submitting your film.

International Submission Deadline 30/06/04 (Postmark)

For further details, please visit our website
or you can contact us at: the_7th_kisfvf_2004_it?

We?fll see you at the festival.

Posted : 21/05/2004 6:14 am
Posts: 1
New Member

Hey, your festival sounds great.
I would love to participate.
Is the entry sheet downloadable from
your website?

Posted : 23/05/2004 8:47 am
Posts: 1
New Member

Hello, this is Chiho from Japan.
I'm interested in your film festival.

How can I get more information about this fistival?

chiho AMADA

Posted : 23/05/2004 8:50 am
Posts: 2
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Dear all student filmmakers,

So far, we have received over 100 international submissions
from 18 different countries.

Big thank you to all who have sent their work(s) to us!

Still two weeks to go before the deadline,
So please send a film or two to us if you have any.

Nothing counts to us more than your participation.
We ask you no admission fee but your film that may shape
the future of cinema.

We'll see you at the festival.

For more info, please visit our website
or you can contact us at: the_7th_kisfvf_2004_it?

Posted : 17/06/2004 3:34 am