Groundbreaking Student Film Competition
Submitted films must come from a current film student or recent graduate (within 1 year). The category is open to undergraduate and graduate students. There is also a wild card spot reserved for a high school student or non-film student whose film is comparable to those submitted and accepted by the HatcHfest Committee. There is no guarantee that the wild card spot will be filled, dependent upon the quality of the films submitted.
All films accepted are in competition: 2005 Awards included:
$10,000 Cash courtesy of Moonlight Basin
$30,000 Panavision Package
$10,000 Post Production at The Syndicate
$7,500 Screenwriter's Bootcamp
Awards are given in the following categories:
Best Director
Best Editing
Best Cinematography
Best Screenplay
Best Score
March 1 - June 30, 2006 for details