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CallForEntries:ShortFilmContest Deadline 10 Dec

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Do you want to follow the path of David Attenborough? Do you want to change the world from the big screen with your creative thoughts? If yes, then


The organisers of Green-Go Short Film Contest are waiting for your creative/shocking/funny/explicit eye-opener short films in the following three categories:

Nature works for us!

Customer service, car service, ecosystem service?! Indeed, nature works for us! Without trees, we would not breathe, without wetlands and forests, we would not have clean water, without microorganisms, we would not have fertile soil and food. Beside our basic needs, nature keeps us healthy and happy #8211; we go outside to do sports, we buy our houses close to green spaces and we go to nature during holidays. Nature is also the base of our economy #8211; it gives us jobs and provides the living for many #8211; farmers, fishermen, gardeners, park rangers, tour guides, even industries.

Show us how nature works for us all or what would happen without the services of nature!

Feeding the world sustainably; Celebrating the International Year of Family Farming

50% chance your morning ham and eggs and milk are from a family farm. In the world, there are 500 million family farms, where agriculture activities are managed and done by a family. 70% of the world#8217;s food production is provided by these farmers and small-scale fishermen, who safeguard biodiversity, traditional knowledge and techniques. They also provide the livelihoods for many as in developing countries out of the 3 billion rural people 2,5 belong to families engaged in Family Farming.

Show the importance of family farms, small-scale agriculture, traditional knowledge, and the need for more sustainable agriculture and more responsible consumers#8217; choice!

Fighting climate change and disasters with natural solutions

A global warming of 4?C could happen as early as the 2060s, whereas natural disasters and extreme weather will be in the rise increasing death tolls and economic losses. We have to get prepared, adapt and mitigate these impacts.

Our best weapon against climate change and its impacts is nature. 15% of the world#8217;s terrestrial carbon stock #8211; 312 gigatonnes #8211; are stored in protected areas around the world. Nature also serves as buffers against disasters, providing space for floodwaters to disperse, stabilizing soil against landslides and blocking storm surges. It has been estimated that coastal wetlands in the United States provide $23.2 billion a year in protection against flooding from hurricanes. But we can think in a smaller scale #8211; only planting one tree can serve the cooling effect of 10 air-conditioners, using traditional local breeds in agriculture can result in more resilient yields, only planning a few hectares of green space in the city can reduce flood and heat islands #8211; along with it health #8211; risks.

Show how climate change threatens us, how we can fight climate change with simple, natural solutions and what existing solutions there are in the world already.


The short film should be:


A campaign film with maximum of 60 seconds


A short film between 60 seconds and 4 minutes
The films can be made in any genre (cartoon, animation, puppet film, documentary, interviews, etc) The shocking, saucy or dumfounding, in brief the eye-opener and impressive films will get a big plus during the evaluation.

The received short films will be selected based on:
strength of environmental and conservation messages
in each category, according to the category-specific jury consisting of a journalist, film professional and a relevant NGO member. In each category, the jury will announce ONE winner on 19 December 2014.

Besides, all videos will be uploaded to this website by 12 December 2014 in the short film contest#8217;s menu ENTRIES (, where the visitors will be able to view the films and vote online for the best video between 13:00 CET 12 December 2014 and 13:00 CET 19 December 2014.

Submission deadline: 10 December 2014 CET 18:00

More information:

Posted : 03/12/2014 2:27 pm