Have you produced/directed/starred in a film about illicit drugs or harm reduction?
We are looking for advocacy films, training videos, documentaries or fictional works related to drugs and harm reduction to screen as part of the EIGHTH INTERNATIONAL DRUGS AND HARM REDUCTION FILM FESTIVAL. The festival will run as a parellel stream in the 22nd International Harm Reduction Conference, taking place in Beirut, Lebanon in April 2011. Previous festivals have been held in Liverpool, UK (2010) and Bangkok, Thailand (2009).
All submissions will be subject to review by a panel and are not guaranteed to be screened. All films must be in English or have English subtitles, and be available in DVD or Video formats.
Submissions close December 17th, 2010.
For more information, or to download a submission form, please visit our website: www.burnet.edu.au/cih/film, or email us: filmfest?burnet.edu.au