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Call For Entries: Short Film Festival

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The Milwaukee Short Film Festival announces its CALL FOR ENTRIES. MSFF is organized and run by local filmmakers to give greater exposure to emerging independent and student filmmakers. The festival awards jury and audience awards with a Grand Prize of $1000.

For more information and entry forms email ?url="mailto:msff?"?msff? or check out ?url?

Location: Milwaukee, WI, USA

Director - Ross Bigley, msff?
Media Relations - Laura Belliveau, belliveau?

Deadline: April 25, 2005

Exhibition date: June 5, 2005

Accepted films: Shorts (experimental, documentary, narrative, animation)

Length: 20 mins or less

Formats: VHS, Mini DV, DVD. Preview on VHS or DVD. Must be NTSC. All original formats eligible. Please contact festival to inquire about other screening formats.

Entry Fee: US$18

Submission/Festival Address:
7th Milwaukee Short Film Festival
P.O. Box 1626
Milwaukee, WI 53201

Thank you,

Please direct questions and comments to the ?url="mailto:msff?"?7th Milwaukee Short Film Festival?/url?.

Posted : 03/01/2005 7:10 am