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Aurora Picture Show accepts screening submissions

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Please read all of our guidelines prior to sending in your submission.

We are currently accepting submissions for the 2009-2010 Season.

Aurora Picture Show is a non-profit microcinema that programs year-round screenings of avant-garde, non-traditional and socially compelling shorts and documentaries. We do not show long-form narratives. We primarily program short works, with the one exception being documentaries, which we will program at feature length. Aurora screens movies in a variety of locations across Houston, with our home base being Aurora Theater, a former church building in the Sunset Heights. Annually, we have over 5000 attendees, and are recognized as an exemplary venue for cutting edge film, video and multi-media works.

For the past 10 years, Aurora Picture Show has cultivated a nationwide following of filmmakers, artists, art-going audiences, and cinephiles. Our programs have reached audiences from under 100 to over 9,000 in a single screening event. We value watching movies together, and being able to connect moviemakers face-to-face with their public. We believe that movies are at the forefront of visual culture, and have the potential to expand and change the way we see the world. Our screenings are experiential and dynamic, and always generate discussion.

Once submitted, submissions will be watched and evaluated by one of our staff. Please be patient as this does take some time. All submissions will receive a response within three months. Please contact us only after that time to inquire about the status of your submission.

Artists and filmmakers should also know Aurora programs thematically. If we do not have a program that your submission fits into, then it is still possible that we will include your submission in our Video Library. The Video Library is a non-circulating library in Houston?s museum district that is accessible to visitors and classes at no cost. We frequently program from the Library collection, so this is also a possible opportunity for your submission. We will send a letter of permission if we are interested in adding your title to the Library.

At Aurora we are committed to keeping submissions and entry fees accessible. If you are unable to pay the entry fee, please feel free to request a waiver, which we grant annually to a limited number of submissions. However, please keep in mind that the process of handling submissions requires time and supplies from our non-profit organization. The fee goes to cover costs only. We do not profit from your submission. We will also send you two free admission tickets to an Aurora screening for each individual who makes a submission.

In addition to individual submissions, Aurora Picture Show seeks out established curators to help with entire programs. In the past, Aurora has brought in many other festivals, venues and programmers. If you have a program of submissions that demonstrates a unique vision or theme, then please contact Andrea Grover about the program.

For more information or to download a submission form please visit:

Posted : 25/06/2008 3:17 pm