
3rd annual 10 SECFE...
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3rd annual 10 SECFEST / Call for entries

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This is The 3rd 10Seconds International Animation Festival in Seoul.
Submission was started. We would like to share your brilliant ideas!

There is only one rule - "Never judge. Screen all submitted films."
Just make the clip of around 10 seconds long. And enter it.
Of course you can enter multiple.

No entry fees.
All of participants will get a T-shirt and DVD including your works .

On D.I.Y awards, all audiences will take self making award and give it to you.

Making guidelines are followed behind.

1.Don't think too hard.
-Serious contemplation doesn't always end in good result.

2.Don't burn yourself.
-It's only 10seconds long, so don't kill yourself over!

3. Don't go overboard.
-LOL... Are you working on something HUGE??

4.Cheating encouraged.
-Be a cheater. It will give you peace of mind.

5.Over sleeping encouraged.
-It all works out in the end.
No worries. Get your sleep first.

6.Experimenting encouraged.
-We want you to try new things and challenge yourself.

Submission deadline is 25th June.

Programmer at 10 Seconds Animation Festival

Posted : 16/06/2012 1:21 pm