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Recording Sound for 16mm film

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I have a Bolex H16 and have a script ready to shoot but I'm not sure what to do about the sound situation. It is dialogue heavy, so I definitely need good sound.

I do not have a crystal sync motor.

I'm considering filming without sound and post-syncing everything as they did in Europe before the 70s. The sound is recorded in a controlled environment, so I wouldn't have to worry about on-location screw-ups.

Another idea is to buy radio mics and attach one to each actor (there are only 3 speaking roles in the script).

Or I could buy a boom mic, but then I'd have to worry about keeping tabs on everything and making sure it's organized with the footage.

Anyone have experience on this???

Posted : 03/09/2009 7:42 pm
Posts: 2951
Famed Member

You posted this exact same question two days ago and got a response.

Is there any reason you felt the need to copy/paste the question again?
Was the answer you got not acceptable?

The aim of an argument or discussion should not be victory, but progress.
Joseph Joubert, essayist (1754-1824)

Posted : 03/09/2009 9:08 pm
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No, my friend, the answer was perfectly acceptable. I just thought posting it in the "Equipment" section might provide me with other answers as well.
I did thank you repeatedly in the other forum since I got some good info.

Posted : 03/09/2009 10:56 pm
Posts: 2951
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Please take a moment to read our forum rules:
You'll find this is quite typical on all messageboards.

There really in no reason to post the exact same message
in several areas. People can - and do - read all of them.
You won't get better or different or more answers by
posting your question several times.

The aim of an argument or discussion should not be victory, but progress.
Joseph Joubert, essayist (1754-1824)

The aim of an argument or discussion should not be victory, but progress.
Joseph Joubert, essayist (1754-1824)

Posted : 03/09/2009 11:58 pm
Posts: 10
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Well, I didn't post the exact same topic in "several" areas, as you said. Just two. The two appropriate areas for my topic. I don't understand the reason to even question why I did it. I don't think the forums are going to spontaneously combust due to me posting something twice.
It's a little fascist to even be concerned with exerting so much control over a trivial matter like this... take that energy and make another movie.
Hopefully this post won't be deleted and I'll still have an account after you read this. If not, that would be really fascist.

Anyway, thanks again for the suggestions, they were very helpful.

Posted : 05/09/2009 1:47 am
Posts: 2951
Famed Member


Originally posted by Mr_Geppetto

Well, I didn't post the exact same topic in "several" areas, as you said. Just two. The two appropriate areas for my topic. I don't understand the reason to even question why I did it. I don't think the forums are going to spontaneously combust due to me posting something twice.
It's a little fascist to even be concerned with exerting so much control over a trivial matter like this... take that energy and make another movie.
Hopefully this post won't be deleted and I'll still have an account after you read this. If not, that would be really fascist.

Anyway, thanks again for the suggestions, they were very helpful.

Mr Geppetto,

This isn't about anything going up in flames. We have
a very simple set of rules here. Saying I'm being "a
little fascist" for pointing out those rules is unnecessary.
Suggesting that if I follow the rules it will only prove
that I'm a fascist is mean spirited and uncalled for.

As the moderator I simply asked a question. You answered
politely and I respectfully accepted your reply and politely
asked you to read our rules. I didn't not suggest I was
going to delete this post or your account.

I understand that you feel posting the same, exact question
in two different forums is appropriate - I respectfully
advised you that under the rules of this forum, is it isn't.
I'm sorry you feel pointing out the rules is a little fascist.
But when the rules are broken I will always let people know.

Calling names isn't necessary. We really try to maintain a
respectfully community here. Your "take that energy and
make another movie." is aggressive, sarcastic and uncalled
for. No one here will call you names or sarcastically tell
you to use you energy elsewhere, I respectfully ask that
you treat all of us here with the same consideration.

For the record - you account will not be deleted no matter
what you say. I don't work that way. You think I'm a fascist
because I ask questions and attempt to enforce the rules
here; that's fine. But I deeply believe in free speech and
will allow you to say anything you want to say.

At the same time, I will always exercise MY freedom and
comment. But I will always do it with respect and NEVER
by calling names.

The aim of an argument or discussion should not be victory, but progress.
Joseph Joubert, essayist (1754-1824)

The aim of an argument or discussion should not be victory, but progress.
Joseph Joubert, essayist (1754-1824)

Posted : 05/09/2009 12:07 pm
Posts: 10
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I think you've misunderstood my tone.
I've been reading forums here for quite a while, so I know how the general tone of these things go.

It's hard to detect sarcasm and harmless cynicism in print, and for that I apologize. I know you're not a fascist and I don't mean to imply that you are exerting excessive control over the situation. I respect your position as the moderator, but feel that the rule you've accused me of breaking is essentially unnecessary. Either way, you're right, rules are rules (even if they don't serve a huge purpose) and I should follow them as a guest in the forum. Completely agree.
I think my defense is worthy, but I do want to explain my perceived aggression.

It felt a little condescending to be asked if your answer was unsatisfactory after I sincerely thanked you and then to be directed to a rulebook. So on your part, I do think there was a certain tonality of disrespect.
I don't mean to cause a problem at all, I was just defending my position and I apologize if it came off as crass. Also, the "take that energy and make another movie" comment was in no way meant to be aggressive. I meant it as a light-hearted joke, nothing more. I don't like emoticons and smilies, but nearly added one after that sentence to properly demonstrate the tone. Again, sorry.

You seemed to have the most problem with me using the word "fascist". Of course, this hyperbolic expression stirs up some real emotion and defensive attitudes, and understandably so. Again, in print, these matters don't translate well, so I'll go ahead and apologize. It was all tongue-in-cheek. I definitely did not mean to blatantly disrespect the person who gave me great suggestions to my post.

In conclusion, I concede that I'm officially the prick in this scenario (while a misunderstood one), so hopefully we can get past this and continue learning filmmaking tips from each other (more me learning from you, obviously). Now let's stop moaning and keep talking about making movies ?:)?

Posted : 06/09/2009 11:13 pm
Posts: 2951
Famed Member

Apology accepted.

I'm sorry you felt I was being disrespectful. If you had posted the same message
on two forums on the same day I wouldn't have asked the question I asked. What
I typically do is just delete one of them. Because you posted it two days after I
answered I sincerely thought that maybe the answer I gave wasn't what you were
looking for. No disrespect intended - just my curiosity and my desire to help out
my fellow filmmakers.

And you're right - I did have a problem with you using the word "fascist". I
make every attempt to be fair and allow everyone to say anything they want
here. I suspect you used it knowing it would stir up some real emotion and
defensive attitudes. Am I right?

If you feel the rule of not cross posting is an unnecessary one, I'd be very willing
to hear your reasons why. If allowing cross posting will make this a better place for
filmmakers I am very willing to change that rule.

You have been reading the forums for a while so let me ask you; Do you restrict
yourself to just one or two of them? Do you feel you may be missing some the
discussions because questions are not in two (or more) areas? Do you think that
cross posting in different areas might bring different answers that a filmmaker
can use to better understand the issue?

The aim of an argument or discussion should not be victory, but progress.
Joseph Joubert, essayist (1754-1824)

The aim of an argument or discussion should not be victory, but progress.
Joseph Joubert, essayist (1754-1824)

Posted : 07/09/2009 1:33 am
Posts: 10
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Topic starter

Yes, I do know the kind of response people usually give to being called a fascist and in all honesty, it was a sort of jab. But again, I didn't expect it to be taken as seriously as it was. I actually thought the "take that energy..." comment would clarify the sarcastic nature of it, but it only exacerbated the whole thing.

Well, I usually look at these forums for something in specific. For example, if i wanted to know what 16mm camera was best to start with, I'd head to the equipment section and take what I get from that, if anything. I'd have no real reason to explore the other sections, so I wouldn't. Now, say there was a topic in the equipment section I could help with or had knowledge about. Then, I could try to answer it. If that same post was in the production section, I would never know about it, thus the poster would have some more responses to his question.
My point is that I only go through the forums for something specific. I don't browse around. So someone in production wouldn't answer something in equipment, and vice versa. That's just my experience with the forum, though. I think that's a fair justification, but I also see your point in not wanting repeated posts everywhere. That's absolutely reasonable. What I'm saying is that it isn't altogether unreasonable to want to post something in two relevant places.
But you're correct: those are the rules and I won't have it happen again.

Thanks for understanding.

Also, have you ever blimped your camera before? What results did you get?

Posted : 07/09/2009 11:04 am
Posts: 2951
Famed Member

Now this is a much better discussion.

I agree with you that it isn't at all unreasonable to want to post something
in two relevant places. I'm sorry you felt my asking you to read the rules
came off as suggesting otherwise. I suspect you are the exception - that
most people do a little browsing - but I may be very wrong. I'll ask the
question and pin it where more people can see it. I doubt people looking
for a discussion on forum rules are looking under a " Sound for 16mm
film" topic. That way if this is something that most people feel need to be
changed, I'll get it changed.

The aim of an argument or discussion should not be victory, but progress.
Joseph Joubert, essayist (1754-1824)

The aim of an argument or discussion should not be victory, but progress.
Joseph Joubert, essayist (1754-1824)

Posted : 07/09/2009 12:16 pm