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TV shows looking for short films

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Call for Entries
Upcoming Postmarked Deadline is May 15th, 2004
Application Fee is $30

New Screen Broadcasting offers a unique opportunity for emerging and underrepresented artists to showcase their film and video projects in an unprecedented way. We are looking for works that explore a wide range of topics, from a wide range of applicants. In keeping with the goal of providing a venue that is open and accessible, all forms of film and video will be considered, including:

- Animation
- Digital Animation
- Comedy
- Choreography/Dance
- Documentary
- Dramatic
- Experimental
- Musical
- Music Video
- Performance Art
- International (Non-U.S.)
- Short (less than 70 minutes)
- Feature (more than 70 minutes)

If you are interested in submitting work, please complete our
online application:

New Screen Broadcasting will create original programming from submitted works to be broadcast on WRCF-TV Channel 29, Orlando. All submitted work will be reviewed by New Screen Broadcasting. SOLO Arts, Inc. will act as librarian
of all submitted entries.

For more information please contact programming?



BOB programming selection is determined by a creative review committee that selects work based on its cultural and artistic merit.

BOB's distinctive programming attracts a broad audience, including film and television industry professionals looking for emerging talent. BOB provides a unique forum for the independent filmmaking community and offers a venue for a powerful form of expression neglected in television until now. We invite all filmmakers and content producers to participate in the launch of BOB by submitting their films for our selection process.

We are now accepting short films up to 15 minutes in length and would prefer viewing copies on DVD, 3/4" or 1/2" tapes in NTSC format (we will convert PAL if necessary).

If you are interested in showcasing your work, please download the Option Agreement, complete and mail it with your tape to:

Jamie Reesman
BOB: Brief Original Broadcasts
10901 W. Toller Drive
Littleton, CO 80127 USA

Also, please include a short synopsis of your film, the length and the category that best describes it (ie. live action, drama, cell animation, comedy, live action narrative, digital animation, horror, etc.).

Our programming department will contact you with specific directions on how to proceed should your film be selected.



Your 60 Second Movie can be on TV!
60 Second Movie Hour has teamed up with PlumTV to bring 60 second movies to television.
PlumTV is an entirely new media vehicle reaching the nation's most influential consumers in resort settings where they're vacationing, relaxed and open to new ideas. Bringing a wealth of experience to PlumTV - from creative marketing solutions to media operations and production - the network's founders include Cary Woods, producer of 17 films - including Scream, Swingers, and Rudy; Tom Scott, co-founder of Nantucket Nectars; Emily Scott, founder of J.Crew; - and NBC veteran Chris Glowacki.

PlumTV operates channels on Nantucket, Martha's Vineyard, and in the Hamptons; the most exclusive resort communities in the world. Each channel will be branded in the local market and will carry predominantly local content. The combined in-season, overnight audience of over 300,000 is comprised of many of the drivers of taste in America: CEOs, entrepreneurs, media moguls, political powerbrokers and opinion-makers exerting a powerful influence over American culture. Over the course of the season, 2.5+ million individuals within this coveted audience will visit a PlumTV market.

With such an exceptional audience, Plum is not constrained by the safe and repetitive culture of mainstream network tv: the Plum viewer is among the most culturally sophisticated, discerning and cutting edge in America. So Plum is a home for shows that might not have the broad appeal necessary for network but will make an impact on an audience that is ahead of the game. Powered by Cary Woods, who was a key figure in the independent film revolution of the 90's, and produced the first films of Alexander Payne, Doug Liman, Harmony Korine, M Night Shyamalan and others, this network can produce fearless television in that spirit of adventure. Just as Independent film of the 90's became the mainstream studio successes of the 21st century, PlumTV is proud to incubate talent, and considers the film-makers and producers who springboard from Plum to find further challenges elsewhere, an integral part of Plum's mission and eventual success story.

So where do 60 second movies come in? Glad you asked. Our 60 second movies will be used as bumpers in-between programming interstitially throughout the day. So if you submit a film to our site, and it is accepted, not only will it be added to the webpage, it'll be aired as a bumper on PlumTV! So please submit your 60 second movie and if we like it, we'll have you mail us an NTSC, uncompressed version of your movie on CD which we will hand directly to PlumTV.

We are very excited about this union with PlumTV. Not only will it bring 60 Second Movie Hour to the public eye, but all the talented people behind it as well.

We are excited that you want to submit your movie, here is how it works.

- All movies MUST be 55-60 seconds.
- All movies MUST be a 4 MB or smaller Quicktime.
- All movies MUST be 240x180
- All movies MUST have a counter in the bottom right corner.
(you can use ours or make your own personalized counter)
- All content must be original and creative material. No spoofs or spin-offs of movies like Ghostbusters, Startrek, Starwars, etc.
- Title must be one - two words.
- If your movie is selected, you can make the poster to go next to the movie, or we can make it for you. (if you decide to have us make the poster, we will need high res screenshots or promotional pictures)
- If your movie is selected, you will need to email us cast and crew information.
- Please do not submit your movie more than once.

It is totally free, we will not charge a dime. But since we are not charging, and this is not a huge site, we do not have the time or resources to add multiple films all the time. We will select one 60 second movie a month to be added to the site. Which ever film we feel is the most creative and fits the guidlines will be selected out of the bunch. If only one film is submitted during a span of a month, it doesn't win by default. If we feel it isn't creative enough, we won't add it, even if it is the only entry. If your film isn't selected that month, you can always resubmit it the following month.

You retain all rights and ownership of your film. We however reserve the right to show the film on our site or for promotion of the site.


Cinema Café, a brand new, monthly indie film & video showcase, will start airing short movies from Florida, national, and international movie makers in June 2004 on Vision TV. The show will give movie makers the opportunity to show their work to thousands of viewers in Central Florida.

Appearing on Brighthouse Channel 98 and Adelphia Channel 97 in Orange County, Florida - Cinema Café will be a cool, hip TV show that will feature 2 to 3 short movies from indie film & video makers every month. All formats & genres are welcome including animation, music video, narrative, experimental, and documentary.

In order to be considered for Cinema Café, film & video makers must

1. Submit movies that are 20 minutes or less.
2. Submit movies that are tasteful.
3. Submit movies on Beta SP, DV-Cam, or Mini-DV.
4. Submit 1 VHS copy of the movie.
5. Submit original work.
6. Include the full credit list.
7. Include complete contact information including full name, phone number, physical address, and e-mail address on every tape.
8. Include title, production year, total running time, and original shoot format on every tape.
9. Complete a movie maker questionnaire for scripting purposes.
10. Be willing to sign a release allowing Vision TV the right to air the movie.

All materials should be mailed to:

c/o Orange TV
Orlando Science Center
777 East Princeton Street
Orlando, Florida 32803
Attention: Bill Suchy



E-mail cinemacafetv? for more information.


UK Short Film Channel for SKY NETWORK (starts Jan 2004)

10 Greek Street,
London W1D 4DH
United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0) 20 7851 4545

(they will accept NTSC DVD's and VHS, but they prefer PAL)


Canadian cable short film channel
15 Atlantic Avenue
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
M6K 3E7


U.S. short film network in several markets in US

251 53rd Street
Brooklyn, NY 11220


Giggleshorts TV
TV show for comedic short films

1448 Lawrence Ave. E. unit 19
P.O. Box 62038
Victoria Terrace P.O.
Toronto Ont.
Canada M4A 2W1


The Independent Film Channel IFC
attn Acquisitions
200 Jericho Quadrangle
Jericho, NY 11753

IFC accepts unsolicited short films (under 30 minutes). Tapes will
not be returned and you will only hear from us if them want to
license your film.


Ian Bricke
Sundance Channel Acquisitions
1633 Broadway, 8th floor
New York, NY 10019

If you've got a completed short (30 seconds to 40 minutes) or feature length film (over 40 minutes), they want to see it. Here's what you'll need to send to be considered:

VHS copy of the completed film.

Information packet on the project including (1) brief synopsis, (2)
reviews (if you have any), (3) film festival history, (4) production
notes and (5) director/cast/crew backgrounds

Contact information including your (1) name, (2) postal address, (3) telephone number and (4) email address.



Tennesee cable show


Mind Ignites
Australian TV distributor of short films


"Tightshorts" is another TV opportunity, but in Southern Calfornia...



Papaya Media
ATTN: TVvillage Indie Spotlight
P.O. Box 22501
San Francisco, CA 94122-0501

While we love films of all types, we can air films that are less than 15 minutes long. If your film is longer, please specify which 15 minutes you would like to show

You are granting TVvillage the non-exclusive right to broadcast your film up to four (4) times on cable television.


The Short List

The Short List
The Production Center
5500 Campanile Drive, COM124
San Diego, CA 92182-7601
Phone (619) 246-9496 Fax (619) 462-8266
e-mail: shortlist?



Britshorts is continuing to acquire titles for its award winning international catalogue of short films. Working hard to expand the number of distribution outlets for short film, we supply content to over ninety syndication partners worldwide.

Send your film to:

Britshorts Ltd
25 Beak Street
London W1F 9RT



* FYI! they charge $20 per submission! But it is a chance tog et seen on TV.


AND THIS ONE - is seeking shorts, and they claim to be paying up to $1,000 per short. Be sure to tell them ROSS sent ya

The Dream Depot is currently seeking shorts for its weekly television show. We?re seeking shorts with a running time of 1 to 21 minutes.

Any original format, any genre ? all are accepted and welcome! (Please check out our FAQ page for restrictions on nudity, profanity and graphic violence)

We will pay a flat fee of UP TO $1,000 (depending on the length) for a six-month option for the North American Television Rights to your film. You retain your copyrights.

What we will need from you now:
1. The Film(s) ? your 1 to 21 minute production on a DVD (Region 1 or All Region), or VHS (NTSC).

2. Press Information ? including synopsis, film production information, cast and crew list, production stills, awards and festivals submissions information.

Please send your film short(s), press and contact information to:

The Dream Depot
PO Box 98
Kilbourne, Ohio

If you have any specific questions, please email us at:


The Reel Deal
c/o Matthew Glasson
78 Norman Ave, 1st Floor
Brooklyn, NY 11222

Artists who have been selected will receive notification via email or phone with information regarding their episode. Also, once a month, we will select a featured artist from each episode and host their short film on the website for the month that the episode airs.

Showcasing your work on The Reel Deal is in no way exclusive and you're free to submit your pieces to other festivals, showcases and distributors.

Check back to the site for updates, showtimes and featured shorts in the future. Any other questions can be sent to info?

The Award Winning cable program,

Indie Film Showcase,

is accepting submissions for its new season in the Twin Cities. IFS is a cable program that highlights the work of Independent Filmmakers and exposes their work to the Twin Cities market. 7-8 pm, Saturday and Sunday for a month. No Fees. Send your work in any format (Beta, 3/4, Mini, DVCPro, the 8's) in a SASE for return to

Indie Film Showcase,
2134 Roth Pl.,
White Bear Lake, MN. 55110.

" Also, you can send email to mailto:prolepic2?


Independent Cable Channel 53 of St. Augustine, Florida is looking for short films of 5 to 60 minutes. These films will be shown during commercial breaks to support independent filmmakers by providing exposure to a cable television audience. We are looking for any category of films in either color or black and white. Please include a short bio with contact information or a small clip (<30 seconds) included at the end of your submission. All submissions need to be in NTSC format and stored on DVD, miniDV, or SVHS.

If you have a movie that you would like to have broadcasted, then send your film to :

Brian Mitchell
c/o Ancient City Network
1260 N. Ponce de Leon Blvd., Suite E
St. Augustine, FL 32084

All films will be reviewed for content and suitability for display. There is no guarantee that all films will be aired. Tapes will not be returned. Submission of film gives ACN the right to air and edit for time if necessary. No payments will be given for submissions.



KAOS Network, a non-profit media arts organization in Los Angeles, is currently seeking submissions for a monthly film & video series. This series is dedicated to screening ultra low-no budget, guerrilla, and underground film & video works in animation, documentary, narrative, experimental, etc..... Film/videomakers are encouraged to speak about their work. There is NO ENTRY FEE and all entries must be under 20 minutes, including titles. "We are seeking entries on an onging basis for future shows."

Send it (VHS, SVHS, or 3/4" to:

KAOS (attn: film/video)
4343 Leimert Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90008

(SASE for tape return) for more info: (323)296-5717 or ga6y?



My name is Dan Schaefer and I produce a local(Portland Metro area)short film television show called "Shorts". Currently we are looking for new and exciting films to be aired on the show. We have had a lot of success with this years programing including shorts from, Mike Wellins(of Will Vinton Studios fame), Webster Colcord(Lucasfilm), Wes Houle(Drug Store Cowboy Lighting designer)and many others. You can go to the website at:

or you can e-mail me directly on how to submit your film at:


Once we recieve your film you will be notified of it's airtime and airdates. We are looking for original material so keep copyright material in mind when submitting. For instance, music authorization for example. Also NTSC on a DV tape is the best source to send your film on. This can be a problem if you are out of the US and submit on PAL or Seacam formats. Also the quality of DV tape is higher for broadcast that VHS. DVD are difficult to, so please send it on a tape. One other question people have is, "should I submit it if it is an old film? Should I send a current project?". The answer is send your eariest work as well, many people have probably not had the chance to see your work and would like to. So send what you have.

For inquiries send to: theshortsshow?

Send your short film to:

11375 SW Center St.
Suite B
Beaverton, OR 97005


Dan Schaefer

Indy Film Showcase
Warren Workman
216 E 600 N
Orem UT 84057

Short film cable show in UTAH that plays in Park City, home of the Sundance Film Festival.

I just thought I would let you know about a new TV show starting it's season this March. The show is called the Indy Film Showcase. As the name hints this is a film critique show but it is ment for the indy filmmaker and indy film fans. The show is to be broadcast all over utah including Park City, the home of Sundance. There is no charge to be on the show (because REAL indy filmmakers have no money). It your interested in haveing your film featured on our show drop me a line at Warren_workman?

National Lampoon's Comedy Academy
Renowned comedy publisher National Lampoon recently acquired Lorne Michaels' Burly Bear Network to create National Lampoon Networks. We are producing a new program with a working title of "National Lampoon's Comedy Academy" to be hosted by funny girl, Alison Becker. The program features comedic short films, stand-up and sketch comedy from the best up and coming writers, comedians and directors.

We would like to extend an invitiation to all to submit your films, skecthes and/or stand-up acts. Short films may be 30-seconds to 8-minutes in length. Films can be of any nature (animation, film, digital, etc) as long as they have a comedic sensibility. We are happy to view your films on Beta, BetaSP, DVD or miniDV (prefered).

Point your web broswer to the following URL for more info:

Should your film be selected, we will contact you. The program reaches 5-millions homes. This is a terrific exposure opportunity for your film, act or ideas.


The U Network - The University Network

We are a new global cable and satellite station dedicated to providing college-age students with quality, intelligent programming. All of our content is completely by and for university students from around the world, and ranges from talk shows to student films to comedy shows to animation, etc. The great part about TUN is that for the first time ever, students are able to get their message out. They are not being told what their generation should watch. Our network is an outlet for students to air their works, and for them to gain global exposure.

The U Network is also going to be the home of the first national collegiate news broadcast. All of our stories will be revolving around college students and produced by college students. To make this work, we require your help. We would like your students to produce news packages about your area and the news that surround the students that are affected by the different stories. The sooner that you can begin producing and submitting these stories to us, the faster we can broadcast their stories. If you are interested in being one of our affiliates, please get in touch with me as soon as possible. Just in case you are wondering, here are the answers to a few frequently asked questions:

For films:

Length - ANY length is fine.... the longer the better, as long as it's interesting.

Broadcasting - Only NTSC, SECAM, and PAL broadcastable materials will be accepted. This includes, but not limited to MiniDV, DVCam, DVCPro, Beta SP, DigiBeta. You may send us VHS for viewing purposes, but to broadcast, we need the above formats. We will work with you on formatting issues, just send in your stuff.

Format - It's your work... as long as it is broadcast quality, you should be fine. Does that answer that question? If not, please get back in touch with me.

Music - You are responsible for getting music rights approved for your work. We are not liable for music that you use in your work. ORIGINAL MUSIC that you have the rights to is preferred, but if you use someone else's music, you need to get permission in writing that they are ok with you broadcasting it. If you are looking for original music and would like someone to score your film, I suggest checking out They can help you to score your film.

Also, while we're on the subject, students need to go to our website: and go to the Student Artists section and download the release form and fax that in to us. If you have difficulty accessing the site, email me back and I will help you out. Our fax number is 765-285-4908. I appreciate you taking the time to reply to me. If there is anything else that I can do to help you, please let me know. Any questions, comments, or concerns that you have, please contact me immediately

We are currently accepting student works from around the world, and are looking to you for content. As far as student films go, we are going to select the best of the best. While most people may believe that prominent film schools, such as USC and NYU, have an advantage over other students, our network shows no prejudice. Talent is talent. And we want to see students from all over the world produce broadcast quality content. We are working with the top agencies in the entertainment industry to help give students the exposure that they deserve. Agencies we are working with include UTA, ICM, CAA, and William Morris Agency. The opportunity is out there, and the content is out there. Now we need you to send it to us. We are going select the top content and air it on our cable and satellite network, and show all other content online via our website. This is an exciting opportunity for students everywhere, and that is why we don?t want anyone to be left out of the revolution. Don?t let your films just sit on your shelf and be seen only by friends and family. This is the chance to get REAL global exposure. If you have any questions, concerns, or comments, I urge you to get in touch with me as soon as possible. Again, this is a great opportunity for students to gain a leg up in the entertainment industry before you even graduate. I look forward to hearing from U.


Andy Fadel


765.285.4903 main line

765.285.4915 direct line

If you have content that you would like to submit (the sooner, the better), please send it to:

UPS or FedEx
U.S. Mail

The U Network

c/o Andy Fadel

1418 W. Marsh St.

Muncie, IN, USA 47303

The U Network

c/o Andy Fadel

1317 W. Marsh St.

Muncie, IN, USA 47306

Please only submit NTSC, PAL, or SECAM broadcast quality materials. (We will accept VHS if that is all you have)


America's Best Student Shorts

Glen Echo Associates, LLC
7212 Helmsdale Road
Bethesda, Maryland 20817

Dear Moviemaker,

Student moviemakers are producing great shorts, but few people ever see them. They can be posted on the web, or entered in festivals, for a fee. Yet mainstream audiences are denied the opportunity to appreciate the time, effort, and talent that students have put into their projects, and student moviemakers are denied the exposure they deserve.

America?s Best Student Shorts places great student shorts before the general public. America?s Best Student Shorts is a weekly half-hour TV program that showcases six or eight student projects ranging from one to ten minutes in length and averaging three or four minutes.

America?s Best Student Shorts appeals to a late night audience. It is targeted at independent commercial TV stations in major markets.

We are actively acquiring limited, nonexclusive licenses to include student shorts in the show. The copyright holder retains the copyright and control over the short, and can enter festivals and market the short in other venues.

America?s Best Student Shorts is an excellent way for students to showcase their talents before a broad audience. In addition, we provide an honorarium that can help finance festival entries or launch the next project. The honorarium for the shorts that we license and showcase is $75/minute. The exposure we give student work may well lead to other opportunities to sell rights.

The shorts may be live action, stop action, or animation and any subject or genre, but they must have high production values and they must be entertaining to a late night audience. America?s Best Student Shorts is not aimed at an audience of experimental film cognoscenti.

There is no submission fee. Send the submission agreement along with your movie (VHS or DVD, please) to the address above. Questions? Check the FAQs, then e-mail us.

With best regards,

Tom Hoopengardner, Producer
America's Best Student Shorts


Here are a few things you will need in order to be ABLE to broadcast on TV:

? One BETA SP (stereo) videotape master of the Picture in the
NTSC format;
? VHS NTSC videotape copies;
? One 3/4" dub from the videotape master, if requested;
? And, if requested, one BETA SP master videotape in the PAL
? And, if requested, any other master tape format (i.e.,
digital, etc.);
? A sample of all advertising accessories available for the
Picture including still photos;
? A dialogue list and music cue sheet;
? Release print(s) in available format if requested and
approved by you for theatrical rental(s);
? Authorization to the laboratories, pre-print materials and
foreign tracks and accessories to accept our orders for materials to permit us to service agreements;
? The copyright registration for the Picture, and other chain-
of-title and insurance information
? Copies of all paperwork giving permission and release for:
use of Actors or statement re/SAG agreement; Writers; all Music;
Trademarks and Logos; Clips or excerpts from other copyrighted
material, and in certain instances, Locations.

If you don't have these things, no one will play this on TV in larger markets.

For free online example of a "music cue sheet ->

* this also means if your stealing copyrighted music, or illegally
using trademarks - you can't submit. You have to pay for that stuff first or replace the music with something original.


hope these links & addresses help.

- Peter John Ross,

Posted : 26/06/2004 6:20 pm
Posts: 1
New Member

Second Thought Productions is now offering a new opportunity for filmmakers wishing to have their films seen by fans and industry professionals.

We are currently developing one of the first Internet Television Networks at We are accepting submissions of short and feature length films to show on the network to heighten awareness of independent films and the people who make them.

STPTV offers a new venue for filmmakers anxious to have their work seen by a large audience. This format offers filmmakers the opportunity to showcase their films worldwide through a streaming media player developed by Langco Industries, the people that brought you

Second Thought Productions offers various packages for viewing and publicity for your film. A general administration fee assures the filmmaker that his film will be aired on STPTV at regularly scheduled viewings for a six month period. STPTV will also list the film in our programming schedule with filmmaker information.

Our film festival never ends and we have no limit or theatre capacity. Not only will your film be shown, but it will be shown several times over a six month period. You will be advised beforehand when your film will be shown so that you can be sure to have family and friends tune in.

Our general administration fees are as follows:

Short Films (20 minutes or less) $50
Short Features ( 20-60 minutes) $75
Feature Films (60-120 minutes) $100

If, for any reason, your film is not selected to be aired on STPTV, we will give you a full refund of your money.

To further assist you in marketing your film to consumers, Second Thought Productions will design a webpage for you to include additional information and promotional material. For an additional $300, Second Thought Productions will develop a website for your film and offer digital downloads to consumers, providing more exposure and a source of commerce for filmmakers. If need be, Second Thought Productions can also help you package a DVD.

If you would like to take advantage of this extraordinary new opportunity to showcase your film, please send a copy of your film on DVD or mini-DV tape with the applicable check and any promotional materials to: Second Thought Productions, Inc., 1220 Tarpon Avenue, Sarasota, FL 34237. For more information, contact Steve McAllister at (941)366-3951 or via email at writetheworld?

Second Thought Productions

Posted : 12/02/2005 11:13 pm