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List of indie/digital Cinemas

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Thanks a lot friends.well can you people make a more lengthy list of digital theatres/cinema houses

and well in my country there is no scope of releasing a when ever i will make my movie i will try to release it in as many countries as possible

adeel akhter

adeel akhter

Posted : 08/06/2008 1:21 am
Posts: 2951
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Originally posted by ad2478

Thanks a lot friends.well can you people make a more lengthy list of digital theatres/cinema houses

My list has 10 theater chains representing over 40,000 screens. How many
more do you want listed? Do you want me to research all the non chain theaters
in the US or in the entire world?

I'm sure you are doing a lot of research. Would you please list the theatres you

The aim of an argument or discussion should not be victory, but progress.
Joseph Joubert, essayist (1754-1824)

The aim of an argument or discussion should not be victory, but progress.
Joseph Joubert, essayist (1754-1824)

Posted : 08/06/2008 12:20 pm
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well i think you are getting angry....sorry friend

well i got wikipedia list.................there is a very big list....which i have saved .now i will slowly go and check every webpage and see that they have digital projection or not...............lets see what happens....the good thing is that i got list of many countries..........

adeel akhter

adeel akhter

Posted : 09/06/2008 1:33 am
Posts: 2951
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I'm not getting angry at all. I gave you list of 10 theater chains representing
over 40,000 screens. I thought that was a lengthy list. You didn?t think it
was lenghty enough.

So my question still is: would you like me to to research all the non chain
theaters in the US or in the entire world? Allow me to help you by telling
me how lengthy you want my list to be.

And are you willing to share some of the research you have done with us?

The aim of an argument or discussion should not be victory, but progress.
Joseph Joubert, essayist (1754-1824)

Posted : 09/06/2008 4:57 pm
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well i was just confused that chain having so many screen.i mean they are at the top will they try a movie of astarter??even if the movie is good???thats why i thought of cinema houses which are not that big chains..........non chain thatres migh be i nterested but only 10 cinema chain house with 40,000 screen........i dont know even they will be interested showing the best movie if its without a STAR and by know their standard of selection might be high??????

adeel akhter

adeel akhter

Posted : 10/06/2008 8:05 am
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i just got one cinema which is not a chain

the id is

other then that i got list of cinemas but again its a chain..........and i have told you my worries.......about cinema's standards if they have a chain..they might have atitutde !!!

adeel akhter

adeel akhter

Posted : 10/06/2008 8:08 am
Posts: 2951
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Originally posted by ad2478

well i was just confused that chain having so many screen.i mean they are at the top will they try a movie of astarter??even if the movie is good???thats why i thought of cinema houses which are not that big chains..........non chain thatres migh be i nterested but only 10 cinema chain house with 40,000 screen........i dont know even they will be interested showing the best movie if its without a STAR and by know their standard of selection might be high??????

adeel akhter

Theaters need to make money in order to pay their staff, rent and expenses.
A theater with one screen is harder for an independent film than a chain
theater with several screens. A movie without a star, made by an unknown is
going to have a very difficult time getting an audience - getting people to
PAY to see it.

A chain theater with 12 screens might be willing to show an indie film in one
theater - they can still sell a lot of tickets (and popcorn) to the other 11
screens so they don't lose money. A theater with only one screen can't afford
to have a movie playing that no one pays to see. If very few people pay to see
the indie movie, they lose money.

For a theater owners their priority isn't to show a movie that is GOOD. They
must pay their staff and rent and expenses so they must show a movie people
will PAY to see.

The aim of an argument or discussion should not be victory, but progress.
Joseph Joubert, essayist (1754-1824)

Posted : 10/06/2008 1:04 pm
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adeel akhter

adeel akhter

Posted : 11/06/2008 10:39 am
Posts: 2951
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The issue is getting people into the theater.

Ask yourself - what gets you to pay money to see a movie in a theater?
Then ask your friends - what gets them to pay money to see a movie in a theater?

Is "good" all that matters? And how do you know if it's "good" if no one has seen it?
Because the filmmaker says it's good? Because it gets good reviews?

Does a star matter? If you like an actor are you likely to pay to see his movie
in a theater.

How about advertising? You won't go see a movie if you don't know it's
showing at the cinema, so you need to see it advertised, right.

To convince cinema owners that they will make money by showing your film
they need to know people will come to the cinema and PAY to see it. Who
do YOU think pays for the advertisement?

I have a question for you adeel: please tell me the names of the last three movies
you paid to see in a theater. And please tell me why you chose those three movies.

The aim of an argument or discussion should not be victory, but progress.
Joseph Joubert, essayist (1754-1824)

The aim of an argument or discussion should not be victory, but progress.
Joseph Joubert, essayist (1754-1824)

Posted : 11/06/2008 11:59 am
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Well certified instigator your question i cant answer it because these are the problems i am having. in Pakistan the cinema going culture is nealr finished..the reason is that no good movies are being made in Pakistan.,secondly being the same language of INDIA pAKISTAN.i living in pakistan gets the pirated cd of latest indiean movies so i dont need to go you your self tell me when in my country nearly no one is going to cinema then will this issue be confusing for me or???

adeel akhter

adeel akhter

Posted : 11/06/2008 10:56 pm
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In my whole life i have seen only Jurrasic Park 1 on cinema....and it was from our school side..

the biggest problem we are having is that movies made in Pakistan are very very poorly made and as aresult new generation(even the old one) hates to go go cinmea ?:(?.but personally i would love to go and see a movies with light comedy and just a little famous stars or not even stars.just a promo for once will make my decision to see that movie or not.

personally i dont give importance to Stars......i see the substance of the movie

adeel akhter

adeel akhter

Posted : 11/06/2008 10:59 pm
Posts: 129
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Marketing is the key so look at all the possibilities.
1. Internet
2. Flyers/Posters
3. Email - everyone you know and then everyone they know...etc.
4. Word of mouth
5. Radio/TV
6. Newspaper/mags ads
7. Do interviews with local newspapers/radio/newsletters
8. Show it on college campuses
9. Rent a theatre...not a theater. Most theatres that stage plays have off nights and you can rent a a digital projector...sell ticekts...popcorn, malto-milk-balls, Sugar Daddies, etc.
10. Walk around with a sandwich board - very old school.
10. And last...never tried before...paint the name of your film on the Washington Monument...I had to throw that one in for fun. Guaranteed to get you a lot of free press if you pull it off or die during the feat.

Posted : 24/06/2008 2:41 pm
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Thanks a lot buddy.but i am living In pakistan and targeting Other countries. The reason is that Pakistan's cinema industry is totally down + they dont have facility of Digital no one will like to invest in movies to convert from Digital to Film so i think i will have to pospond the plan of

name of film on the Washington Monument i want to know how to market the movie in Other countries while living in Pakistan

adeel akhter

adeel akhter

Posted : 25/06/2008 6:54 am
Posts: 2951
Famed Member

Since you won't be able to travel to the other countries none of the self
distribution options will work for you.

You can't travel from city to city "four walling" cinema. But maybe if you
get a cinema owner to show your movie for a week or two in an American
(or European) city you could have flyers printed and pay people to pass
them out, you could take out ads in the local newspaper, you could make
a radio spot and send it to the local market, same with a TV ad. And you
can still use the internet and e-mail to let people know when you movie
is playing.

But it seems to me they very best way for you to market the movie in other
countries is to use a distributor. That what they do. They take out ads in
newspapers, send posters, do TV and radio advertising, do all the shopping
of the digital copies and collect the money from the cinemas, too. And all
without you leaving Pakistan.

The aim of an argument or discussion should not be victory, but progress.
Joseph Joubert, essayist (1754-1824)

The aim of an argument or discussion should not be victory, but progress.
Joseph Joubert, essayist (1754-1824)

Posted : 25/06/2008 12:11 pm
Posts: 147
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adeel akhter

adeel akhter

Posted : 26/06/2008 10:48 pm
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