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Indie film-makers: distribution that PAYS!

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I'm a movie fan. I even made a couple of movies. I think they were pretty cool. I approached some distributors and got the cold shoulder. It seems if it doesn't have a 7-figure budget, they're not interested.

So instead of letting it collect dust, I found some people who knew the technology to broadcast it on the web. And now it's out there for everyone to see. And I'd like to put your movie up there, too!

This isn't a scam and it's certainly no game. The more indie's we get, the more people hit this site, the more the ad companies think we're pretty cool, the more money we pay out. It's all in the numbers and the more of us indies who band together and do something, the better.

Surf on over to ?url? and check it out. And yes, we've got advertisers and yes they've got money. And yes we want to give it to you. This costs NOTHING and if you put your flick on this site for a month and want to do something else with it, we'll take it down, no strings attached.

We're movie fans. And we're indie movie-makers. We want your movie to be seen. We want your short to be seen. We want your series to be seen. Gimme a shout. Let's get some money in your pocket!


Posted : 26/08/2008 11:05 pm