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A good way to get distribution deals!

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I've got 2 finsihed films that i've tried to get companies to look at, guess what they didn't.

However, I had to think outside the box, so to speak, Insted of holding onto my film I made loads of DVD copies of each (with nice inlays and printed discs) I then sent the boxes to different film companies with a note in saying, merry christmas from Superteam Productions (my company) They were passed around, I didn't intend for the big bosses to watch it, I wanted the staff under them to watch them and then with some luck they would talk about the films the next day, using word of mouth to spread to the big bosses.
I got an email from one company, which was more than I got sending just one disc out.

If your stuck it's worth a try.

Good luck

Posted : 04/01/2007 5:00 pm
Posts: 4
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Good thinking, Lincoln 🙂

Anything come of the email?

Posted : 10/02/2007 4:57 am
Posts: 4
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Sorry for the delay in this reply.
Funny enough no, well sort of, one of the people that watched it wanted to be in my films, so i'm kind working on that.

But since then i've had 2 investors contact me about films, the first is the nephew of the vice president of the USA, he's funding a cowboy film we are shooting in June in the UK. (yes there is a cowboy town in the uk)
The other is a guy who has sent over money for me to make a trailer of his script, if the trailer is a good enough he will give us more to shoot the full film.

So, I guess the story is, push very hard and you have to believe you are the best, even if others call you big headed, why would someone invest in someone that didn't think they were the best.

Hope that makes sense?

Posted : 26/03/2007 12:07 pm