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Project Title: "Zorg and Andy," an Independent Feature Film to be shot on HDV. Non-union.

Shoot Location: Indiana, Various Locations.

Shoot Dates: Tentatively scheduled to film December 17th through 23rd, and December 26th through 30th.

Audition dates: To be announced.

Benefits: Deferred salary, DVD copy, credit, meals provided.

Synopsis: "Zorg and Andy" is a supernatural comedy in the tradition of "Ghostbusters." After giving a mysterious ancient idol named Zorg to a beautiful woman in hopes of getting a date with her, hapless college student Andy sets off to track them both down and return the artifact to the museum where it belongs.

Character Breakdowns:

Lead Roles:

1. Male / 20 - 25 / Any Ethnicity

Andy. A bit old for an undergraduate. Wistfully disheveled in a way that suggests "screwup" rather than "hopeless case." Andy is a slacker in the finest, most noble sense of the word, who, despite wanting nothing to do with adventure, seems to have an uncanny knack for stumbling onto the occult.

2. Female / 20 - 25 / Any Ethnicity

Jen. Petite and pretty in a well-bred sort of way. A newly-minted graduate student, she's worked at the mysterious Kungsbaden Museum for years and is dedicated to the institution despite only making minimum wage and being the recipient of numerous tasks none of the other employees want to do. While Jen desperately wants to earn the respect of her co-workers, they want her to fix the coffee maker. Again.

3. Female / 30 - 35 / Any Ethnicity

Colette. A junior Economics professor at the college where the museum is located. Ambitious, drawn to power, willing to do anything to further her career. Equally fetching in her young-professorial garb, or the leather bustier and squirrel pelt skirt that all the fashionable cultists are wearing these days, Colette is, quite unfortunately for him, Andy's Dream Woman.

4. Female / 40 - 50 / Any Ethnicity

Dr. Arabella Harpax, the director of the museum. Professional, accomplished, successful, more than a little threatening, Dr. Harpax has spent most of her adult life searching for the mysterious idol. She'll stop at nothing to possess it and unleash the power of Zorg.

5. Male / 20- 25 / Any Ethnicity

Pete. A student employee at the museum and an impossibly perky human being.

6. Male / 20 - 25 / Any Ethnicity

Rich. A journalism student, already well on his way to being hard-bitten.

7. Male / 20 - 25 / Any Ethnicity

Stuart. A friend of Andy's and, apparently, often his rescuer. Well-groomed, even in the oddest of circumstances.

Supporting Roles:

8. Male / 20 - 25 / Any Ethnicity

Pig. A friend of Stuart's, so-named for the enormous papier-mache pig's head he wears constantly. A speaking role.

9. Male / 40 - 50 / Any Ethnicity

Bert. An Economics professor, chair of the department. Also the head of a secret cult. A speaking role.

10. Female / 40 - 50 / Any Ethnicity

Kay. Another Economics professor and another cult member. A speaking role.

11. Females / 20 - 25 / Any Ethnicity

Sorority Sisters. Perhaps not surprisingly, members of a rival cult. Two speaking roles.

12. Males / 20 - 25 / Any Ethnicity

Chad and Troy. Fraternity brothers and, of course, members of yet a different cult. Speaking roles.

Other Supporting Roles

13. Several Police Officers (any sex, any ethnicity, one speaking role).
14, A Mellow Man at a party (any ethnicity, a speaking role).
15. Assorted Economics Professors (any ethnicity, non-speaking roles).
16. Assorted Museum Employees (any ethnicity, one speaking role).
17. The Ass Magnets, aka, the World's Most Miserable College Band (any ethnicity; one speaking role, singing, performing).
18. Assorted Extras, various ages, any ethnicity.

Please email resume and headshots to Northanger Productions, LLC at northanger? After review, actors will be contacted for auditions.

Thanks for your interest!

Posted : 29/10/2005 1:26 am